Defeating Terrorism is simple, dont act out of fear!


Well-known member
This is simple but it appears the current administration and much of America does not understand.

Terrorism is a method of controling politics of a people by terrorising them. The simple solution is to not react in terror... in fear.

The population of a land mignt feel terror, might fear terrorists, you cant help that much... but dont react in fear.

One reason terrorism is so effective is that leaders of nations often will use fear to consolidate power.... thus the terrorists temporarly get the leaders of the land they are attacking to work with them. (Telling the people to be afraid, so they will support your political agenda, telling the people they might be in danger if they support the opponant)

The best way to defeat a terrorist is to react out of stringth not fear or terror. Dont go attack random nations in the name of fear. Dont let your leaders use the terror to push the people into something they would not have otherwise supported.

React to terrorism with stringth, go after the terrorists... then the best reaction after that is no reaction... the entire goal of a terrorist attack is to promote a reaction. A group that uses terrorism is a desperate group, if they are desperate it means the current state of affairs is working against them. They wanted this fight!

The proper responce to 9-11 was to go after Al Queda in Afganistan... go after the Taliban in Afganistan, beef up our internal security and react NO FURTHER...

Instead we declared war on the Islamic world, attacked a secular Iraq and have changed the field so that the terrorists have successfully manipulated our forign policy. The Terrorists got what they wanted out of America... they were spoiling for a fight. They have everything to win and nuthing to gain. Really, what have we cost the terrorist, they dont care about life, they never had a nation, they care about respect for the little power they have... and we gave that to them!
But then it could not be a political tool to mislead the masses under the Bush administration.

I do agree with you.
Had we wiped them out of Afganistan and spend the money on beefing up our internal security, then ignored them it would have hurt them much worse than what we did.

I belive Iraq has helped them prolong the attention they got and wanted from 9-11. It has helped elevate them to signifigant fullfledged alternative to western power. Ignoring them, after attacking the one power base they had (Afganistan) would have kept them religated to the fringe groop they were and deserve to be!
The conservatives wont touch this with a 10 foot pole...

You know why, they know that ignoring something contrary to what they belive to be true, helps to relegate that idea to the fringe, even if its true.

They are using the exact tactict we should have used against the terrorists!
The population of a land mignt feel terror, might fear terrorists, you cant help that much... but dont react in fear.

Good, now maybe you'll stop bellowing about how we are just "creating more" terrorists by killing them!
The population of a land mignt feel terror, might fear terrorists, you cant help that much... but dont react in fear.

Good, now maybe you'll stop bellowing about how we are just "creating more" terrorists by killing them!

Ive never said that. We create more hatrid for the U.S. when we kill innocent civilian non-terrorists...

But I have never said we create more terrorists by killing them. I challange you to find a quote where I said any such thing, you LIAR!
Jarod, Dixie and his ilk think all muslims are terrorist.
It always does seem to come back to that, doesn't it? They'll pay lip service to the idea that some tiny handful of Muslims somewhere might not be terrorists (yet) but in practice they assume that every dead Muslim was a terrorist in life.
Jarod, Dixie and his ilk think all muslims are terrorist.

Well, that is just a bold faced LIE. You can't show one single solitary thing I have EVER said to this effect. Why do you feel compelled to just outright LIE like that? Do you think it lends credibility to your insanity? Do you think people are ignorant enough to believe your lies if you repeat them enough? What in the hell is your justification for throwing out an absolute and outright LIE about what I think?
Hmm have to think about that a while, being called a liar by a liar. Does that cancel out or something ?

Dixie and his ilk think all muslims are terrorist

Like I said, you will not find one instance of this from me. I have heard you and many other pinheads lament on how we are creating more terrorists by our actions, in fact, it's the basic premise of this very thread. I think it's excellent advice to defeat terrorism by not acting out of fear, now if we could just figure out a way to get your heads out of the sand and standing with us in the fight, we might be able to move forward faster. You've taken the important first step in recognizing the problem, now stop acting out of fear! Forget about the French and the UN, stand with America, the Brits, and Israel, as well as a host of Arab Muslim countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Pakistan, and help us defeat these radical bastards before they kill us all.
Made my statement Dixie, but won't waste any energy argueing with you. I know that is a futile battle. Have a good weekend dix.
"Good, now maybe you'll stop bellowing about how we are just "creating more" terrorists by killing them!" - Dixie talking to me

DIXIE, I am going to respond with your words...


"Well, that is just a bold faced LIE. You can't show one single solitary thing I have EVER said to this effect. Why do you feel compelled to just outright LIE like that? Do you think it lends credibility to your insanity? Do you think people are ignorant enough to believe your lies if you repeat them enough? What in the hell is your justification for throwing out an absolute and outright LIE about what I think?" - Dixie claiming US lied about him.