APP - Defend Citizens United


Explain how money is speech.
Show how government by the highest bidder is appropriate.
Tell why a coporation is a person.
Pretend you are on a debate forum, where facts are proven by proof, not your say so alone.

Show why the first ammendment protects the spending of multi-national companies, and why centuries of limited campaign donations was wrong.

Finaly, explain how representative democracy is enhanced by billions of dollars of untrackable donations.
'chirp chirp'. This is so anti-democracy and unamerican they can't defend it. The wing nuts here know CU is another piece of the puzzle to continue their corporate coup' d'etat. For this reason and others I consider them fascist traitors to this country.
we get the government we elect. if we listen to expensive campaign commercials because most of us are too fat and lazy to get off our asses and learn about who is running, we deserve it. CU is pure first amendment that is easily countered by educating ourselves. something liberals tend to avoid.
we get the government we elect. if we listen to expensive campaign commercials because most of us are too fat and lazy to get off our asses and learn about who is running, we deserve it. CU is pure first amendment that is easily countered by educating ourselves. something liberals tend to avoid.

You had me on your side till the last phrase, countless studies show liberals to be better educated on matters than your average red neck conservative.
You had me on your side till the last phrase, countless studies show liberals to be better educated on matters than your average red neck conservative.
yeah yeah yeah, and there are countless studies that say just the opposite as well.

the point being is that YOU are responsible for who you vote for. If some retard can't tear himself away from watching America's next top model long enough to make an educated vote, then it's OUR fault that corporations are buying our elections. And yes, that does include blindly pulling the lever for the letter of two evils.
I certainly don't, and I rely upon other sources other than the boob tube for information. Too bad the same can't be said for the 'heartland'.
or the west coast, east coast, and every state in between. The sooner you [edit] realize that the Ds and Rs are playing us all for suckers, we might survive to keep our country.
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or the west coast, east coast, and every state in between. The sooner you can [edit] realize that the Ds and Rs are playing us all for suckers, we might survive to keep our country.

I'm right there with ya on the 'D's and 'R's playing us for suckers in a rigged game - but who's playing the 'D's and 'R's? Same one who's playing the SCOTUS. Corporate power. And it isn't limited to the boob tube.
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I'm right there with ya on the 'D's and 'R's playing us for suckers in a rigged game - but who's playing the 'D's and 'R's? Same one who's playing the SCOTUS. Corporate power. And it isn't limited to the boob tube.
then would it not behoove all of us to start looking at a different letter in the game??????
then would it not behoove all of us to start looking at a different letter in the game??????

Of course it would. But another letter has no chance unless the fangs are removed from the duopoly ($$$). I've already proposed it here and elsewhere - free and equal ad time on television and radio, and all candidates participate in all televised debates - no freezing out of third-parties, as is done now, thanks to the real threat posed by Perot a dozen-plus years ago. That's a start. Provide for free - ad time - to all candidates, and a big chunk of the influence of big money evaporates.
Of course it would. But another letter has no chance unless the fangs are removed from the duopoly ($$$). I've already proposed it here and elsewhere - free and equal ad time on television and radio, and all candidates participate in all televised debates - no freezing out of third-parties, as is done now, thanks to the real threat posed by Perot a dozen-plus years ago. That's a start. Provide for free - ad time - to all candidates, and a big chunk of the influence of big money evaporates.

you're still holding the people blameless. why? do we not have any responsibility to who we vote for?
you're still holding the people blameless. why? do we not have any responsibility to who we vote for?

Of course we do. But in order to vote responsibly, we have to be informed and engaged - and put forth candidates representing and acting on behalf of us. That won't happen as long as corporations can outshout and outspend us. They quash our power with money on a level that none of us can compete with.
Of course we do. But in order to vote responsibly, we have to be informed and engaged - and put forth candidates representing and acting on behalf of us. That won't happen as long as corporations can outshout and outspend us. They quash our power with money on a level that none of us can compete with.
Oh BS!!! how do they quash our power? do they strap us to the couch in the living room?
Oh BS!!! how do they quash our power? do they strap us to the couch in the living room?

By BUYING representation. Once our representatives are bought by the corporatocracy, they no longer serve our interests.

This is so obvious I'm surprised you even asked 'how'. Still wanna call 'BS'?

Why do you think the influence of Koch Industries poses such a threat? Because their agenda runs counter to what is good for the majority of the country, the working class and the environment. Citizens United enables Koch to buy a voice at the table via our representatives who are supposed to be OUR voice.
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By BUYING representation. Once our representatives are bought by the corporatocracy, they no longer serve our interests.

This is so obvious I'm surprised you even asked 'how'. Still wanna call 'BS'?
yes, i will still call BS. I get out and look at all that are running. I try to talk to them all. I also look at who is funding their campaigns. If I even smell something funny about them, I move on to another candidate. It's not that difficult to do.

By BUYING representation. Once our representatives are bought by the corporatocracy, they no longer serve our interests.
Why do you think the influence of Koch Industries poses such a threat? Because their agenda runs counter to what is good for the majority of the country, the working class and the environment. Citizens United enables Koch to buy a voice at the table via our representatives who are supposed to be OUR voice.[/QUOTE]
using liberal biased and slanted propaganda really doesn't do you any justice. It just makes it look like you're trumpeting 'we must vote Democrat over those evil Libertarians'.
yes, i will still call BS. I get out and look at all that are running. I try to talk to them all. I also look at who is funding their campaigns. If I even smell something funny about them, I move on to another candidate. It's not that difficult to do.

By BUYING representation. Once our representatives are bought by the corporatocracy, they no longer serve our interests.
Why do you think the influence of Koch Industries poses such a threat? Because their agenda runs counter to what is good for the majority of the country, the working class and the environment. Citizens United enables Koch to buy a voice at the table via our representatives who are supposed to be OUR voice.
using liberal biased and slanted propaganda really doesn't do you any justice. It just makes it look like you're trumpeting 'we must vote Democrat over those evil Libertarians'.

I lost interest long ago in what using facts makes me 'look like' to other people. You go ahead and cling to what you believe, and I'll stick to what is known and proven.