Definition of Society

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Society is .....

a hierarchical arrangement of humans and human interactions whereby the majority of individuals are exploited by an elite core of individuals who use lies, violence and corruption to make the exploited feel their condition is their fault and morally justifiable and to make the members of society which collude in the exploitation on behalf of the elite believe the lies propagated by the elite that this is the only logical arrangment of society, and that their collusion is an indication of their value.
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Society is .....

a hierarchical arrangement of humans and human interactions whereby the majority of individuals are exploited by an elite core of individuals who use lies, violence and corruption to make the exploited feel their condition is their fault and morally justifiable and to make the members of society which collude in the exploitation on behalf of the elite believe the lies propagated by the elite that this is the only logical arrangment of society, and that their collusion is an indication of their value.

same thing could be said of some families

what is your solution then? every man for himself? only family core units of government....nope, see above...what then?
Society is .....

a hierarchical arrangement of humans and human interactions whereby the majority of individuals are exploited by an elite core of individuals who use lies, violence and corruption to make the exploited feel their condition is their fault and morally justifiable and to make the members of society which collude in the exploitation on behalf of the elite believe the lies propagated by the elite that this is the only logical arrangment of society, and that their collusion is an indication of their value.

Asshat, you really have to stop this Pollyanna approach to life. Your naivete and unearned trust in others are going to get you burnt! :D
same thing could be said of some families

what is your solution then? every man for himself? only family core units of government....nope, see above...what then?

relationships don't have to be exploitive. and the double standards we have for the powerful is appalling.

The same talking heads who glorify bankers and think they deserve billions despite failure, are saying that there MUST be a stigma attached to individuals filing chapter 7 bankruptcy. Fuck that bullshit double standard.
ironic since you can't offer any other arrangement

Of course i can. One where money is not used to amplify social inequality.

Business moguls would actually have to have good ideas and proven success to win the loyalty of employees, and not just banker friends who issue them fiat currency they gained through no actual work. Eliminating currency abuse would bring us half way to fair.
Of course i can. One where money is not used to amplify social inequality.

Business moguls would actually have to have good ideas and proven success to win the loyalty of employees, and not just banker friends who issue them fiat currency they gained through no actual work. Eliminating currency abuse would bring us half way to fair.


how original, gee...thats never been thought of before

you want utupia dude, good luck chasing it, if you find it, let me know, i'll join you

how original, gee...thats never been thought of before

you want utupia dude, good luck chasing it, if you find it, let me know, i'll join you

Sound currency is not a fairy tale. It has existed at many times in history. It is a reasonable check on the totalitarian power of fiat money.

You're moronic and obviously ignorant.
Sound currency is not a fairy tale. It has existed at many times in history. It is a reasonable check on the totalitarian power of fiat money.

You're moronic and obviously ignorant.

i wish would all had boobs, i would never leave the house and 'society' would be perfect
Of course i can. One where money is not used to amplify social inequality.

Business moguls would actually have to have good ideas and proven success to win the loyalty of employees, and not just banker friends who issue them fiat currency they gained through no actual work. Eliminating currency abuse would bring us half way to fair.

Society is .....

a hierarchical arrangement of humans and human interactions whereby the majority of individuals are exploited by an elite core of individuals who use lies, violence and corruption to make the exploited feel their condition is their fault and morally justifiable and to make the members of society which collude in the exploitation on behalf of the elite believe the lies propagated by the elite that this is the only logical arrangment of society, and that their collusion is an indication of their value.

Economic Slavery.
Sure you have your free speech and can carry guns and can vote are able to earn a modest living or start a small business if you want to use your savings. Sure you have freedom but they can take your country's productivity and move it to China. They can put millions out of work and manipulate the economy for max profits and to hell with society. The same society that bails them out when they profitize us into another depression. This is what the right ultimately wants the U.S. to look like...

in the early to middle part of the 20th century...
"A coal miner in West Virginia generally lived in a company town. He woke up in a company bed situated in a company house. He washed himself with water drawn from a company well and ate breakfast prepared with food bought at the company store. Everything consumed or used by his family came from the company, purchased on credit. The credits used during the pay period only rarely failed to add up to less than the paycheck (paid not in United States currency, but company script.) In debt from his first day on the job, the entire system was geared towards keeping him and his family that way.

The miner had free speech, but what happened after he spoke could give him serious trouble. Many companies employed the firm Baldwin and Felts to provide mine guards. These guards dispensed retribution against “rabble-rousers” and “outside agitators” who came in talking about unions. One town even featured a Gatling gun mounted upon the front porch of a company official’s home. Companies figured that they could increase their control by importing miners from a variety of areas such as Russia, southern Italy, and Austria-Hungary. They came from countries with oppressive systems; also living in a strange country with different customs and languages increased their isolation. In fairness, company towns ran the spectrum from benevolently paternalistic societies to absolutely dictatorial rule. Increasingly the system turned its aims towards preventing unions from organizing the region."

I know this is true, I heard about it from my grandparents who were involved at the time - long before a computer let me look it up.

I'm really sick and tired of middle class right wingers who don't know the battles fought that enabled their families to work their way up from poverty. Or at least maintain their social status. These battles were fought against the same right wing ideologies that these guys back today.

Asshat, the right does not believe in society. Your description is accurate and has been proven every time there has been unregulated/savage/disaster capitalism.
It's fairly disgusting how employment and bonus contracts for negligent bankers are immutably written stone, but the pension agreements of regular employees who have worked a lifetime for these companies are suddenly on the chopping block. Why are those agreements less valuable. This blatant double standard typifies the evil of the fascist nutlicks.
Economic Slavery.
Sure you have your free speech and can carry guns and can vote are able to earn a modest living or start a small business if you want to use your savings. Sure you have freedom but they can take your country's productivity and move it to China. They can put millions out of work and manipulate the economy for max profits and to hell with society. The same society that bails them out when they profitize us into another depression. This is what the right ultimately wants the U.S. to look like...

in the early to middle part of the 20th century...
"A coal miner in West Virginia generally lived in a company town. He woke up in a company bed situated in a company house. He washed himself with water drawn from a company well and ate breakfast prepared with food bought at the company store. Everything consumed or used by his family came from the company, purchased on credit. The credits used during the pay period only rarely failed to add up to less than the paycheck (paid not in United States currency, but company script.) In debt from his first day on the job, the entire system was geared towards keeping him and his family that way.

The miner had free speech, but what happened after he spoke could give him serious trouble. Many companies employed the firm Baldwin and Felts to provide mine guards. These guards dispensed retribution against “rabble-rousers” and “outside agitators” who came in talking about unions. One town even featured a Gatling gun mounted upon the front porch of a company official’s home. Companies figured that they could increase their control by importing miners from a variety of areas such as Russia, southern Italy, and Austria-Hungary. They came from countries with oppressive systems; also living in a strange country with different customs and languages increased their isolation. In fairness, company towns ran the spectrum from benevolently paternalistic societies to absolutely dictatorial rule. Increasingly the system turned its aims towards preventing unions from organizing the region."

I know this is true, I heard about it from my grandparents who were involved at the time - long before a computer let me look it up.

I'm really sick and tired of middle class right wingers who don't know the battles fought that enabled their families to work their way up from poverty. Or at least maintain their social status. These battles were fought against the same right wing ideologies that these guys back today.

Asshat, the right does not believe in society. Your description is accurate and has been proven every time there has been unregulated/savage/disaster capitalism.

Wow, we finally have someone who agrees with Asshate. Fuckin' awesome!!!

Hey, Crash, what's you're opinion of the Jewish Problem, the Illuminati, the NAU, and fiat currency?
Wow, we finally have someone who agrees with Asshate. Fuckin' awesome!!!

Hey, Crash, what's you're opinion of the Jewish Problem, the Illuminati, the NAU, and fiat currency?

He's just not a dumb cunt like you.

I advocate no violence against jews, just that we should call them on their racism. Their poo reeks too. Why are you a brainwashed noahide supplicant?