APP - definitions of child sexual abuse terms

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Definitions of terms involving sexual attraction towards children and youths

Human sexuality


Some of the following terms have multiple definitions. In particular, there is little agreement on the exact age ranges of sexual attraction by pedophiles, hebephiles, and ephebophiles. Occasionally, authors will interchange terms, causing great confusion.The causes of these deviant feelings of sexual attraction are unknown. There is no available treatment that can change their attraction. However, there are counseling methods that greatly reduce the likehood of the indiviual acting out their desires by engaging in sexual abuse.In the mental health and counseling communities, terms like pedophiles, hebephiles, and ephebophiles refer to feelings of sexual attraction, not to actual sexual activity. Unfortunately, these terms are often used in the media to refer to individuals who do sexually abuse children or teens. We recommend that one uses terms like "abusive pedophile," "abusive hebephile", and "abusive ephebophiles" to refer to those who act out their fantasies through sexual abuse.According to Wikipedia:
"In law enforcement circles, the term "pedophile" is sometimes used in a broad manner to encompass a person who commits one or more sexually-based crimes that relate to legally underage victims. These crimes may include child sexual abuse, statutory rape, offenses involving child pornography, child grooming, stalking, and indecent exposure." [SUB]5

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ee wikipedia for further definitions such as follows
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