DeLay: 'Hillary Will Be the Next President'

That would be someting a female pres and a black VP.....

Don't worry usc...we're going to give white guys their very own affirmative action program.

They'll be like, a whole committee involved in it.

Well, I think we will anyway. There has been some back and forth on it. One of the big problems is that some of us are worrying ourselves just silly over the possibility that if we have an AA program for white men, and say, this white guy gets a job from it right? Well, will he be like, eaten alive by guilt because he got the job from being white? And worse, will he question his own abilities to even do the job, and suffer from low-self esteem as a result?

See, I say, look, white guys are used to getting job soley because they are white guys ya know? So I say, they lived with it this long and from some of the lines I've been getting it hasn't hurt their self-esteem none, I can tell you that.

But, there are others with a different opinion. So we'll see. I'll let you know.
LOL, I just thought it would be great to have a Black Pres or VP, it would bring out more of the true colors of the Republicans. Imagine Rush with a female pres and a black VP :)

I have nothing against blacks, well at least the ones who have nothing against a white hillbilly like myself ;)
Good people and assholes come in all nationalities and colors....
LOL, I just thought it would be great to have a Black Pres or VP, it would bring out more of the true colors of the Republicans. Imagine Rush with a female pres and a black VP :)

I have nothing against blacks, well at least the ones who have nothing against a white hillbilly like myself ;)
Good people and assholes come in all nationalities and colors....

I didn't think that you did...I was just busting on you a little. Plus it gave me a chance to mock anti-AA people, which is always fun to a geek like me usc.
Oh she is a hottie allright. I hope she has not posted someone elses picture just to fool us into thinking she is a hottie though.