Dem Congressman Charged with Assault


"Rep. Bob Filner is facing an assault and battery charge after an incident at Dulles Airport where he allegedly pushed an United Airlines bag claim employee as first reported by ABC7/Newschannel 8.

ABC 7's Jay Korff and Kris Van Cleave broke the story

Filner, a Democrat from California, allegedly attempted to enter an employees-only area on Sunday night.

Van Cleave spoke with several witnesses who said they heard Filner yell "You can't stop me," before pushing aside the employee and refusing to leave the office."
"Rep. Bob Filner is facing an assault and battery charge after an incident at Dulles Airport where he allegedly pushed an United Airlines bag claim employee as first reported by ABC7/Newschannel 8.

ABC 7's Jay Korff and Kris Van Cleave broke the story

Filner, a Democrat from California, allegedly attempted to enter an employees-only area on Sunday night.

Van Cleave spoke with several witnesses who said they heard Filner yell "You can't stop me," before pushing aside the employee and refusing to leave the office."

Oh damn, from the title I was so hoping some Democrat had finally punched out Patrick McHenry!
A very confused story, I need to her more.

As far as I can tell he was pissed off about waiting for his bags at the airport, a feeling many of us can identify with.

However, most of us don't harbor feelings of entitlement like this jackass and shove airline personnel in an effort to reclaim our luggage.