Democracy Or Constitutional Republic?


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The left is worried about their democracy. They claim Trump is destroying it. says a "DEMOCRACY" is,

"government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system."
Actually, our founders never intended to create a democracy. Our founders understood that often the definition of a democracy is synonymous with "mob." So, our founders having little trust in mob rule or collective humanity in general and particularly the collective of government humans. They knew government was force by definition and corruption by nature. The BIGGER the government the BIGGER the CORRUPTION.

So, here's what our founders thought would be the best of governing. says a REPUBLIC is,

"a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them."

The founders liked that model best and further attached it to a written Constitution, i.e. written guarantee from government to the people of their rights, immunities and privileges and in that Constitution laid out the separate powers of the 3 branches of the government. Thus, the United States is actually not a democracy at all, it's a "Constitutional Republic." The people's representatives pledge their loyalty to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution." Notice there is no pledge required as a loyalty to the majority of the people. representatives are required by oath to ignore the whims and wishes of the majority populace whenever their rants, demonstrations, wants and whims are contrary to the rule of law within the Constitution. Judges are required to fully understand the text and direction of the Constitution and issue their decisions based in the logical and truthful textual meanings in the Constitution and to interpret the written law and decide its fidelity to the Constitution. The executive power of government is to be authorized and harnessed by the Constitution only, Article 2 U.S. Constitution.
The idea of a representative democracy is to PREVENT things like Trump.

It failed this time round