Democrat Clown Plays The Hitler Card


Verified User
If this moron had a brain he would be lonesome:


On January 1, 2019, Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) kicked off the new year with a speech where he compared President Trump to Adolf Hitler and opined that those who support Trump are "less educated." Per Johnson, Trump has taken over the Republican party in the same vein that Hitler took over the Nazi party. In a recent article in Townhall, Johnson said:

January 4, 2019
Hank Johnson brings 'Trump is Hitler' into the House of Representatives
By Elad Hakim

The events leading up to WW II are so varied and complex it is ludicrous to lay all of the blame on Hitler for the 50 million dead. He played his part to be sure —— as did Mussolini and the Japanese, but tagging Hitler as the ultimate villain became a variation of the Left’s favorite theme song: Communism is good because fascism was so bad.


Incidentally, if liberals were honest they would cite Benito Mussolini instead of Hitler. Il Duce is the father of fascism not Hitler. Liberals give Mussolini a pass because they get more mileage out of Hitler than he ever got out of the Afrika Korps.

Today’s Democrats label everyone a fascist who attacks any part of their political agenda. Oppose socialized medicine and you a fascist. Secure our borders and you are fascist. Abolish any welfare state program and you are a fascist. Speak out against infanticide and you are a fascist. Withdraw from the United Nations and you are a fascist. Demand Voter ID laws and you are a fascist. The list is endless.

This is the sickest philosophical argument of all:

“So, in effect, it’s not us that are going to force Donald Trump to resign his office; it’s the people of America who are going to make him do it, because the God’s honest truth is – without Hollywood, there is no America. It’s like trying to run Nazi Germany without Hitler at the forefront – it just becomes pointless,” the spokesperson concluded.

Celebrities Call For ‘Total Hollywood Strike’ Until Trump Resigns
Posted on January 9, 2017 by Baxter Dmitry

Yeah, right! Those same Hollywood douche bags who want Trump to resign because he is not a Socialist would scream bloody murder if the people threw out Obama, Stalin, Mao, or Castro. Liberals are sick with fear that Trump will turn Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un into decent human beings. Media mouths jump right in because they fear Trump will wipe out their tax dollar incomes. In short: They fear that the parasite class will rightly be seen as the enemy in the very near future. Once the parasites lose tax dollar incomes the country can stop worrying about illegal aliens because all of the parasites will have to strap on a leaf blower to feed themselves.

This country’s misnamed entertainment industry has been on a downward spiral for at least six decades. It was Hollywood parasites and liberalism’s garbage that produced more good for foreign enemies than President Trump could ever do.

Bottom line: Democrats want more of the garbage they created.

Nobody can miss media mouths breaking out the Hitler-Nazi-Fascism gun which has long-been the most effect gun in the Democrat Party’s arsenal. They are firing away at President Trump like a Gatling Gun —— accusing him of everything that is true about Obama.

Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies) is an internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or his deeds.'s_law

Adolf Hitler is a surefire winner for Democrat Party assassins. Any reference to Hitler or Nazism was identified in 1990 by author Mike Godwin. Every one of today’s liberal mental cases cannot get enough of applying Godwin’s Law to President Trump. In fact, comparing Obama to Hitler is right on target.

Obama’s drive to acquire totalitarian power could have easily degenerated into a scare tactic aimed at getting him out of office. Many Americans who saw where he was trying to take the country were initially frightened by his 2008 campaign rhetoric —— he ran as a spiritual leader in an attempt to combine religion and government à la a Muslim theocracy. The fear he created among wide-eyed Americans increased daily from the minute he was sworn in. The problem was in trying to define those fears without scaring the hell out of everybody else. The goal was to awaken everyone to peaceful resistence relying on his words and deeds to stop him. Those of us who spoke out failed repeatedly as the media buried our objections to the point of deifying him.

Naturally, the first message I posted about Obama’s political strategy to achieve a totalitarian theocracy was labeled a conspiracy theory by liberals.

Obama’s Ready Reserve Corps was not a conspiracy theory. His personal goon squad was designed to be a paramilitary force before it found its way into the healthcare bill. Originally, Obama called for a civilian national security force. In a speech on July 2, 2008 then-Senator Obama said:

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

National security was the hook he used to get the Ready Reserve Corps up and running. The healthcare bill gave him the personal goon squad he wanted all along.

Obama’s three prerequisites necessitated well-trained if the Ready Reserve Corps was going to carry out his agenda although he failed to mention that little detail.

NOTE: After Obama left office he was the only head of government anywhere who retained the dedication of a tax dollar funded paramilitary force. (That is the real reason Republicans flat refuse to repeal Obamacare.)

This is why comparing Obama to Hitler stands up to scrutiny.

Look to Nazi Germany for Obama’s method. The Schutzstaffel (SS) and the Gestapo were Hitler’s two most loyal instruments of oppression. The SS eventually dominated and disgraced the German military. It is reasonable to say that every politician with cursory knowledge of Nazi Germany and our political system knows how to empower the Ready Reserve Corps the same way Hitler empowered the SS and the Gestapo. The names are different —— the methods are the same.

Indeed, the word Schutzstaffel means “Defense Corps” although defense had little to do with the Schutzstaffel’s duties. Members of the SS served as Hitler’s personal guard, controlled the German army, and were an omnipotent security force inside Germany and in the conquered countries.

The Gestapo was formed by combining several existing police organizations. The Gestapo became an internal police force with unlimited powers. Those powers were used to terrorize the German people.

A third organization, the Brown Shirts (Sturmabteilung - abbreviated SA), was an essential element in Hitler’s rise to power. The SA lost its power and influence after Hitler was in power. The SS increased its power and influence after Hitler became Germany’s chancellor.

If you discount ACORN and unions like the SEIU, Obama came to power without calling upon SA-type storm troopers; nevertheless, his Ready Reserve Corps is an American SA. Why is that important? Answer: The SA was a precursor to the SS the world came to know only too well.

The Brown Shirts planned to incorporate the German army into a new people’s army, but it was the SS that accomplished it. Obama’s Ready Reserve Corps is a people’s army loyal to him. Once the Ready Reserve Corps is as well-funded, well-trained, as strong, and as powerful as the U.S. military, the two will become one military entity with members of the people’s army dominating the regular army just as the SS came to dominate the German army.

Know this if you know nothing else. Every totalitarian ideology must include control of the military. Obama’s SS may still pervert the American system of civilian control over the military every time his people’s army do the very things civilian control is supposed to prevent.

If you doubt my take on Obama’s goals for the Ready Reserve Corps you only have to remember how he took over immigration, the DoJ, the IRS, the FBI the CIA, and private sector institutions.

In fact, Hitler was not the only villain in Nazi Germany, nor was Obama the only villain in this country. Democrats in Congress sill agree fund and protect Obama’s people’s army so it a future Democrat president can use it. (Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid put the Ready Reserve Corps into the healthcare bill and lesser Democrats voted for it. Claiming they did not read the entire bill might, or might not, be true, but they all knew the Ready Reserve Corps was in the bill.)

The small amount of coverage that Obama’s media devoted to the Ready Reserve Corps showed that they agreed with Democrats. The dying, but not dying fast enough, media will always go along with the Democrats. The kindest thing anybody can say about media liberals is that they are too stupid to understand what is being done. The most charitable thing I can say about congressional Democrats below the leadership level is that they are being led down the garden path.

Do not misunderstand me on this. I do not believe that Obama was Hitler reincarnate as some claimed. He had neither the charisma nor the political savvy Hitler was known for. The best that Obama could do was imitate. Even there the imitation was weak-minded. Obama had trouble settling on one group to scapegoat. He tried to scapegoat everyone who disagreed with him. That said, Obama’s agenda showed that he obviously admired Nazi Germany’s form of totalitarian government. If not, why was he following Hitler’s blueprint for total control?

Obama’s strategy combined two forms of totalitarian government: Islam and Socialism/Communism. Both are incompatible with the US Constitution. Unfortunately for the country, Democrats are carrying on without Obama in the White House. Bottom line: President Trump is a roadblock so he has to be replaced with a malleable establishment Republican until Democrats take the presidency again.

Finally, that filthy piece of garbage, Nutso Nancy, got back in again. Had scum like Pelosi not returned to power considering everything the public knew about her Democrats would not now have such high hopes for another fascist Democrat president in 2020.
Hitler was a teetotal German, full of hatred, spite and racism. How can anyone compare him with Herr Trumpf, who is far, far fatter and dodged serving his Country, let alone the USA!
Hitler was a teetotal German, full of hatred, spite and racism. How can anyone compare him with Herr Trumpf, who is far, far fatter and dodged serving his Country, let alone the USA!

I think the point is that Hitler got rid of all the educated Germans first.. He got rid of doctors, clergy, professors, lawyers.. anyone with the intellect to question his lies. Like Hitler Trump loves to fire up the mob...

"Above all else, cadets are men and women of honor and integrity who can always be trusted. They live by a simple code, The VMI Honor Code, which states: “A Cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, nor tolerate those who do.” The Code pervades all aspects of a cadet’s life. A cadet’s honor is his/her most guarded possession.

Cadet Honor Code - Wikipedia
If this moron had a brain he would be lonesome:


On January 1, 2019, Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) kicked off the new year with a speech where he compared President Trump to Adolf Hitler and opined that those who support Trump are "less educated." Per Johnson, Trump has taken over the Republican party in the same vein that Hitler took over the Nazi party. In a recent article in Townhall, Johnson said:

January 4, 2019
Hank Johnson brings 'Trump is Hitler' into the House of Representatives
By Elad Hakim

The events leading up to WW II are so varied and complex it is ludicrous to lay all of the blame on Hitler for the 50 million dead. He played his part to be sure —— as did Mussolini and the Japanese, but tagging Hitler as the ultimate villain became a variation of the Left’s favorite theme song: Communism is good because fascism was so bad.


Incidentally, if liberals were honest they would cite Benito Mussolini instead of Hitler. Il Duce is the father of fascism not Hitler. Liberals give Mussolini a pass because they get more mileage out of Hitler than he ever got out of the Afrika Korps.

Today’s Democrats label everyone a fascist who attacks any part of their political agenda. Oppose socialized medicine and you a fascist. Secure our borders and you are fascist. Abolish any welfare state program and you are a fascist. Speak out against infanticide and you are a fascist. Withdraw from the United Nations and you are a fascist. Demand Voter ID laws and you are a fascist. The list is endless.

This is the sickest philosophical argument of all:

“So, in effect, it’s not us that are going to force Donald Trump to resign his office; it’s the people of America who are going to make him do it, because the God’s honest truth is – without Hollywood, there is no America. It’s like trying to run Nazi Germany without Hitler at the forefront – it just becomes pointless,” the spokesperson concluded.

Celebrities Call For ‘Total Hollywood Strike’ Until Trump Resigns
Posted on January 9, 2017 by Baxter Dmitry

Yeah, right! Those same Hollywood douche bags who want Trump to resign because he is not a Socialist would scream bloody murder if the people threw out Obama, Stalin, Mao, or Castro. Liberals are sick with fear that Trump will turn Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un into decent human beings. Media mouths jump right in because they fear Trump will wipe out their tax dollar incomes. In short: They fear that the parasite class will rightly be seen as the enemy in the very near future. Once the parasites lose tax dollar incomes the country can stop worrying about illegal aliens because all of the parasites will have to strap on a leaf blower to feed themselves.

This country’s misnamed entertainment industry has been on a downward spiral for at least six decades. It was Hollywood parasites and liberalism’s garbage that produced more good for foreign enemies than President Trump could ever do.

Bottom line: Democrats want more of the garbage they created.

Nobody can miss media mouths breaking out the Hitler-Nazi-Fascism gun which has long-been the most effect gun in the Democrat Party’s arsenal. They are firing away at President Trump like a Gatling Gun —— accusing him of everything that is true about Obama.

Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies) is an internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or his deeds.'s_law

Adolf Hitler is a surefire winner for Democrat Party assassins. Any reference to Hitler or Nazism was identified in 1990 by author Mike Godwin. Every one of today’s liberal mental cases cannot get enough of applying Godwin’s Law to President Trump. In fact, comparing Obama to Hitler is right on target.

Obama’s drive to acquire totalitarian power could have easily degenerated into a scare tactic aimed at getting him out of office. Many Americans who saw where he was trying to take the country were initially frightened by his 2008 campaign rhetoric —— he ran as a spiritual leader in an attempt to combine religion and government à la a Muslim theocracy. The fear he created among wide-eyed Americans increased daily from the minute he was sworn in. The problem was in trying to define those fears without scaring the hell out of everybody else. The goal was to awaken everyone to peaceful resistence relying on his words and deeds to stop him. Those of us who spoke out failed repeatedly as the media buried our objections to the point of deifying him.

Naturally, the first message I posted about Obama’s political strategy to achieve a totalitarian theocracy was labeled a conspiracy theory by liberals.

Obama’s Ready Reserve Corps was not a conspiracy theory. His personal goon squad was designed to be a paramilitary force before it found its way into the healthcare bill. Originally, Obama called for a civilian national security force. In a speech on July 2, 2008 then-Senator Obama said:

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

National security was the hook he used to get the Ready Reserve Corps up and running. The healthcare bill gave him the personal goon squad he wanted all along.

Obama’s three prerequisites necessitated well-trained if the Ready Reserve Corps was going to carry out his agenda although he failed to mention that little detail.

NOTE: After Obama left office he was the only head of government anywhere who retained the dedication of a tax dollar funded paramilitary force. (That is the real reason Republicans flat refuse to repeal Obamacare.)

This is why comparing Obama to Hitler stands up to scrutiny.

Look to Nazi Germany for Obama’s method. The Schutzstaffel (SS) and the Gestapo were Hitler’s two most loyal instruments of oppression. The SS eventually dominated and disgraced the German military. It is reasonable to say that every politician with cursory knowledge of Nazi Germany and our political system knows how to empower the Ready Reserve Corps the same way Hitler empowered the SS and the Gestapo. The names are different —— the methods are the same.

Indeed, the word Schutzstaffel means “Defense Corps” although defense had little to do with the Schutzstaffel’s duties. Members of the SS served as Hitler’s personal guard, controlled the German army, and were an omnipotent security force inside Germany and in the conquered countries.

The Gestapo was formed by combining several existing police organizations. The Gestapo became an internal police force with unlimited powers. Those powers were used to terrorize the German people.

A third organization, the Brown Shirts (Sturmabteilung - abbreviated SA), was an essential element in Hitler’s rise to power. The SA lost its power and influence after Hitler was in power. The SS increased its power and influence after Hitler became Germany’s chancellor.

If you discount ACORN and unions like the SEIU, Obama came to power without calling upon SA-type storm troopers; nevertheless, his Ready Reserve Corps is an American SA. Why is that important? Answer: The SA was a precursor to the SS the world came to know only too well.

The Brown Shirts planned to incorporate the German army into a new people’s army, but it was the SS that accomplished it. Obama’s Ready Reserve Corps is a people’s army loyal to him. Once the Ready Reserve Corps is as well-funded, well-trained, as strong, and as powerful as the U.S. military, the two will become one military entity with members of the people’s army dominating the regular army just as the SS came to dominate the German army.

Know this if you know nothing else. Every totalitarian ideology must include control of the military. Obama’s SS may still pervert the American system of civilian control over the military every time his people’s army do the very things civilian control is supposed to prevent.

If you doubt my take on Obama’s goals for the Ready Reserve Corps you only have to remember how he took over immigration, the DoJ, the IRS, the FBI the CIA, and private sector institutions.

In fact, Hitler was not the only villain in Nazi Germany, nor was Obama the only villain in this country. Democrats in Congress sill agree fund and protect Obama’s people’s army so it a future Democrat president can use it. (Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid put the Ready Reserve Corps into the healthcare bill and lesser Democrats voted for it. Claiming they did not read the entire bill might, or might not, be true, but they all knew the Ready Reserve Corps was in the bill.)

The small amount of coverage that Obama’s media devoted to the Ready Reserve Corps showed that they agreed with Democrats. The dying, but not dying fast enough, media will always go along with the Democrats. The kindest thing anybody can say about media liberals is that they are too stupid to understand what is being done. The most charitable thing I can say about congressional Democrats below the leadership level is that they are being led down the garden path.

Do not misunderstand me on this. I do not believe that Obama was Hitler reincarnate as some claimed. He had neither the charisma nor the political savvy Hitler was known for. The best that Obama could do was imitate. Even there the imitation was weak-minded. Obama had trouble settling on one group to scapegoat. He tried to scapegoat everyone who disagreed with him. That said, Obama’s agenda showed that he obviously admired Nazi Germany’s form of totalitarian government. If not, why was he following Hitler’s blueprint for total control?

Obama’s strategy combined two forms of totalitarian government: Islam and Socialism/Communism. Both are incompatible with the US Constitution. Unfortunately for the country, Democrats are carrying on without Obama in the White House. Bottom line: President Trump is a roadblock so he has to be replaced with a malleable establishment Republican until Democrats take the presidency again.

Finally, that filthy piece of garbage, Nutso Nancy, got back in again. Had scum like Pelosi not returned to power considering everything the public knew about her Democrats would not now have such high hopes for another fascist Democrat president in 2020.

Pretty ignorant. Maybe the author should start with learning that Nazism is also a form of Fascism.

The Department of Justice on Monday sided with U.S. District Court Judge Reed O'Connor's previous ruling that the Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare, is unconstitutional. Judge O'Connor's ruling came in December but the DOJ is just now solidifying the decision.

According to O'Connor's December ruling, the ACA's individual mandate is unconstitutional, which makes the entire piece of legislation invalid.

"The Department of Justice has determined that the district court's judgment should be affirmed," three Justice Department lawyers wrote to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, which is now considering the case. "[T]he United States is not urging that any portion of the district court's judgment be reversed."

The DOJ Just Delivered A Major Blow To Obamacare
Beth Baumann
Posted: Mar 25, 2019 11:03 PM

Does O’Connor’s ruling mean funding Obama’s Ready Reserve Corps is also unconstitutional?

I think the point is that Hitler got rid of all the educated Germans first.. He got rid of doctors, clergy, professors, lawyers.. anyone with the intellect to question his lies. Like Hitler Trump loves to fire up the mob...

"Above all else, cadets are men and women of honor and integrity who can always be trusted. They live by a simple code, The VMI Honor Code, which states: “A Cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, nor tolerate those who do.” The Code pervades all aspects of a cadet’s life. A cadet’s honor is his/her most guarded possession.

Cadet Honor Code - Wikipedia

Anybody who doesn't think Trump would easily match Hitler's atrocities if he could marshal the power to do so is a fucking brain dead cretinous fool.

The difference between Hitler and Trump is that despite his insanity, Hitler had a much higher IQ and wore better fitting clothes.

It is impossible to not viscerally hate Trump and still justify one's existence and the space one takes up.
Anybody who doesn't think Trump would easily match Hitler's atrocities if he could marshal the power to do so is a fucking brain dead cretinous fool.

The difference between Hitler and Trump is that despite his insanity, Hitler had a much higher IQ and wore better fitting clothes.

It is impossible to not viscerally hate Trump and still justify one's existence and the space one takes up.

The comparison is inane, but so is casting Democrats as Venezuelan socialist which seems to be the popular image portrayed on the right

go to minute 19 and watch

he praises the people marching the night before as peaceful and quiet.

they were the torch group chanting JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US
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The level of lunatic rhetoric coming from the members of the Party of the Jackass doesn't surprise me much anymore. There is NO limit to the low level they are willing to stoop as a result of losing the 2016 election.

The only area I would say I get disappointed is the fact that the media go along with this moronic nonsense and are complicit with the DNC agenda. Can you imagine the media outrage if a Republican had said something similar about Obama after he told congress he would act without them?
Anybody who doesn't think Trump would easily match Hitler's atrocities if he could marshal the power to do so is a fucking brain dead cretinous fool.

The difference between Hitler and Trump is that despite his insanity, Hitler had a much higher IQ and wore better fitting clothes.

It is impossible to not viscerally hate Trump and still justify one's existence and the space one takes up.


go to minute 19 and watch

he praises the people marching the night before as peaceful and quiet.

they were the torch group chanting JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US

trump clearly praised the Nazis marching the night before as the good ones
The comparison is inane, but so is casting Democrats as Venezuelan socialist which seems to be the popular image portrayed on the right

Really? Okay let's do a little test. List out everything the Democrats stand for. We will then compare it to the platform of Hugo Chavez and you can then tell me what the difference is.