DEMOCRAT hypocrisy highlighted


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Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D–Mass.) wants to cancel the rent. She also is the owner of a rental property from which she and her husband have received tens of thousands of dollars in income.

On Monday, the Washington Free Beacon—relying on tax and financial disclosure records—reported that Pressley and her husband purchased a Boston property for $615,000 in 2019, and rented out one of its units for $2,500 a month. That same year, the Free Beacon reports, Pressley reported $15,000 in rental income.

It's unclear when or if Pressley stopped renting out the property. Regardless, it raises interesting questions about her two-time sponsorship of the Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act.

The latest version of the bill—written by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D–Minn.), and co-sponsored by Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D–N.Y.) and Rashida Talib (D–Mich.)—would forgive renters' and homebuyers' obligations to pay rent or a mortgage from March 2020 through April 2022.

People couldn't be evicted or foreclosed on for failure to pay for their housing during that period.

Unlike the existing federal eviction moratorium, renters would also be released of any obligation to pay back-rent.

Pressley's support of this bill while also being a landlord would seem to cut across her class interests.

The Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act would also require landlords to notify federal housing regulators if they put their property on the market. The law would give public housing agencies, nonprofits, and state and local government bodies first dibs on buying it.

Pressley, in a press release, said that passing the Rent and Mortgage Cancelation Act "help move us towards an America where no person has to choose between putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their head."

Does Pressley also think that her own receipt of rental income has taken food out of her tenant's mouth?

Perhaps her congressional salary liberates her from having to rely on any rental income.

Unfortunately, many landlords are not in such a fortunate position.

The Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act was referred to the House Committee on Financial Services in March.


Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D–Mass.) wants to cancel the rent. She also is the owner of a rental property from which she and her husband have received tens of thousands of dollars in income.

On Monday, the Washington Free Beacon—relying on tax and financial disclosure records—reported that Pressley and her husband purchased a Boston property for $615,000 in 2019, and rented out one of its units for $2,500 a month. That same year, the Free Beacon reports, Pressley reported $15,000 in rental income.

It's unclear when or if Pressley stopped renting out the property. Regardless, it raises interesting questions about her two-time sponsorship of the Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act.

The latest version of the bill—written by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D–Minn.), and co-sponsored by Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D–N.Y.) and Rashida Talib (D–Mich.)—would forgive renters' and homebuyers' obligations to pay rent or a mortgage from March 2020 through April 2022.

People couldn't be evicted or foreclosed on for failure to pay for their housing during that period.

Unlike the existing federal eviction moratorium, renters would also be released of any obligation to pay back-rent.

Pressley's support of this bill while also being a landlord would seem to cut across her class interests.

The Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act would also require landlords to notify federal housing regulators if they put their property on the market. The law would give public housing agencies, nonprofits, and state and local government bodies first dibs on buying it.

Pressley, in a press release, said that passing the Rent and Mortgage Cancelation Act "help move us towards an America where no person has to choose between putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their head."

Does Pressley also think that her own receipt of rental income has taken food out of her tenant's mouth?

Perhaps her congressional salary liberates her from having to rely on any rental income.

Unfortunately, many landlords are not in such a fortunate position.

The Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act was referred to the House Committee on Financial Services in March.

What I love is the continued emotional arguments put forward by the left for these kinds of things. It doesn't matter to them if the idea is a financially sound one all that matters is they are "helping" us move "...towards an America where no person has to choose between putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their head." I make the fucking choice all the time which is why I don't buy things I can't afford. The fucking insanity of these people is astounding
What I love is the continued emotional arguments put forward by the left for these kinds of things. It doesn't matter to them if the idea is a financially sound one all that matters is they are "helping" us move "...towards an America where no person has to choose between putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their head." I make the fucking choice all the time which is why I don't buy things I can't afford. The fucking insanity of these people is astounding

This is the best part:

Renters would also be released of any obligation to pay back-rent.

The Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act would also require landlords to notify federal housing regulators if they put their property on the market. The law would give public housing agencies, nonprofits, and state and local government bodies first dibs on buying it.

So it's nationalization of private housing.
This is the best part:

Renters would also be released of any obligation to pay back-rent.

The Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act would also require landlords to notify federal housing regulators if they put their property on the market. The law would give public housing agencies, nonprofits, and state and local government bodies first dibs on buying it.

So it's nationalization of private housing.

When the fuck will people wake up?
When the fuck will people wake up?

Why should they, unless they own property that this law will prevent them from collecting rent or mortgage payments for?

Most people don't.

They are being taught that everything should be free (given to them by the government) and "the rich" will pay for it all.

This scheme will starve property owners out financially and force them to sell their property to the government.
Why should they, unless they own property that this law will prevent them from collecting rent or mortgage payments for?

Most people don't.

They are being taught that everything should be free (given to them by the government) and "the rich" will pay for it all.

This scheme will starve property owners out financially and force them to sell their property to the government.

I guess this is why the left is always so anxious to infect youth with this shit and why they have infiltrated academia. If you can make people stupid and helpless early they are much easier to control. Evil motherfuckers.