DEMOCRAT leaders in the news


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Cory Booker promised to quit taking PAC money and then accepted PAC money

Booker "quit" taking corporate cash in February but then accepted money from the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors PAC in April, according to FEC disclosures.

He took another donation from the same group in May.

Once hooked, Booker learned, it’s hard to quit.

WTF is the Governor of NY in PR for?

During a press brief in Puerto Rico Monday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) compared the current administration’s efforts to curb illegal immigration to Islamic Jihad.

“They are on a Jihad to deport as many people as they can who they believe are not in the United States legally,” Cuomo said.

On Tuesday, the Muslim DEMOCRAT Club of New York’s board secretary, Sadaf Mehdi issued a statement requesting an apology from Cuomo for his misuse of the word jihad.

“Governor Cuomo’s comparison of it to a ‘jihad’ only perpetuates the Islamophobic trope that acts of violence are somehow a Muslim invention,” the statement said.
Near-nonagenarian Nattering Nancy's numb-skull noodlings

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi described the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks as an “incident” during her weekly news conference Thursday.

The outlandish slip-up about the deadliest attack ever launched on U.S. soil came during a discussion in which Pelosi criticized the Trump administration’s stance on immigration and its claims that the DEMOCRATS have been weak on border security.