APP - Democrat Party committing same mistakes of 2016

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
They just won't accept President Trump as their president. They can't believe that the American people selected him over their preferred candidate.

Just like 2016 they are manufacturing polls to try to sway public opinion. They are ignoring Trump rallies. They are ignoring everything around them

If you think they were despondent the day after the November 2016 Presidential election, you haven't seen anything. I fully expect them to riot and commit violence. They will become completely unhinged

President Trump is poised to win re-election. Those in the know actually do know this.
Democrats believe that they are our natural rulers; that they are so much smarter than we are that they should be telling us how to live, what foods to eat, what to drink, what movies to see or not see. I had this conversation with a good friend when I was in high school, and we were both immature enough to think that we knew it all. "Should we give the people what they want, or what we know that they need?"