Democrat Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and more


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Democrat Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against Civil Rights

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

Democrat Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against Civil Rights

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

You are a moron
Democrat Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against Civil Rights

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

Yep, that is the history.

Questions: who defends confederate traitors today?
Who is the party of the proud boys today?
Who is the party of anti-Semitic (Charlottesville) today?
Who is the party of trump today?

And finally, Lincoln Republicans were against the state rights democrats? Who is the party of states rights today?

There is history and there is today. You're smart to focus on history because of what the Republicans are today.
Democrat Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against Civil Rights

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

The south with their slavery and fighting against the union made it clear who they were. When LBJ passed laws ending lots of discrimination and lack of fairness for the blacks, they bolted to where they were really in harmony with, The Republican party. However, they were always there. They were Dixicrats voting against equal rights and for discrimination since the civil war. They started voter suppression that the Repubs are using today. The KKK is mostly a southern thing. It is true that there were KKK marches up north like Trump's father attended. but it was down south .
The Dems up north were always fighting for equal rights.
How many times the MAGA Militia have to be educated on American history?

Southern CONSERVATIVE Democrats defended slavery while northern LIBERAL Republicans fought against it, the Radical Republicans were anything but Conservative

Today, the GOP is the same Southern CONSERVATIVES, while the Democrats are Northern and Western LIBERALS, certainly blows your Rush Limbaugh/Glenn Beck revision of history doesn’t it
Democrat Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against Civil Rights

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

From what I can see Leftwing faggot was able to prove this wrong
I've debunked this myth many times on here, but it feels like I'm talking to a wall. Nevertheless, here I go again:

Racism in American politics at the time was less about political party and more about which side of the Mason Dixon you lived on. Generally, southerners hated blacks and northerners wanted to end racism. The KKK was a southern thing. Slavery was outlawed in most of the north before the Civil War started. When Kennedy, who was a northern, liberal Democrat, signed the Civil Rights Act into law, all of the southern, conservative Democrats--a.k.a. "Dixiecrats"--migrated to the Republican Party, which is why, today, the Republicans are racist conservatives fuckwits and Democrats are liberals progressives.

It is extremely dishonest to claim that the Democrats of today are linked to the KKK and slavery.
Yep, that is the history.

Questions: who defends confederate traitors today?
Who is the party of the proud boys today?
Who is the party of anti-Semitic (Charlottesville) today?
Who is the party of trump today?

And finally, Lincoln Republicans were against the state rights democrats? Who is the party of states rights today?

There is history and there is today. You're smart to focus on history because of what the Republicans are today.

Well put

es, a liberal Republican, Senator. What happened to them? They got run out of your party. What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican party? I'll tell you what they did. Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things. Every one. So when you try to hurl that label at my feet - Liberal - as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.

The West Wing