APP - Democrat party playing a dangerous game right now


You can see a microcosm of it on this board right now.

What will happen when Mueller says there is no proof of what is being alleged? Will the unhinged of the left wing say "Oh, OK"?

I think some in the democrat party are starting to realize that they are mixing a dangerous brew of resentment and bitterness with crazy left wing nut jobs. This can be toxic to our body politic.

What happens when Trump is cleared of all of his charges?

What happens if they succeed in impeaching Trump and Pence is sworn in?

Have you lefties actually thought this through or are you just reacting solely on emotion?
You can see a microcosm of it on this board right now.

What will happen when Mueller says there is no proof of what is being alleged? Will the unhinged of the left wing say "Oh, OK"?

I think some in the democrat party are starting to realize that they are mixing a dangerous brew of resentment and bitterness with crazy left wing nut jobs. This can be toxic to our body politic.

What happens when Trump is cleared of all of his charges?

What happens if they succeed in impeaching Trump and Pence is sworn in?

Have you lefties actually thought this through or are you just reacting solely on emotion?

Rump may well end up without a criminal charge, but its clear Flynn will not. More people will be prosecuted in this situation than did, for example in the WhiteWater Probe or even Patrick Fitzgeralds Valery Plame episode.

I think Rump is, based only on what is public, right on the line of Obstruction of Justice with his description of why he fired Comey. The Threat he tweeted to Comey the day after, in my opinion pushes him over that line. Reasonable minds might differ on that. I disagreed with Fitzgeralds decision not to indict Karl Rove, but I agree it was a difficult call.
Based simply on what we know, Flynn is facing serious jail time.

I think it boils down to what evidence he has and is willing to give up on Rump or Pence. If he rolls with creditable evidence against one of them he might get immunity.
You can see a microcosm of it on this board right now.

What will happen when Mueller says there is no proof of what is being alleged? Will the unhinged of the left wing say "Oh, OK"?

I think some in the democrat party are starting to realize that they are mixing a dangerous brew of resentment and bitterness with crazy left wing nut jobs. This can be toxic to our body politic.

What happens when Trump is cleared of all of his charges?

What happens if they succeed in impeaching Trump and Pence is sworn in?

Have you lefties actually thought this through or are you just reacting solely on emotion?

Hillary Clinton was cleared of all charges.

The Republican head of the investigating committee even slipped up and said the investigation were intended to hurt her poll numbers.

What was your reaction??
You can see a microcosm of it on this board right now.

What will happen when Mueller says there is no proof of what is being alleged? Will the unhinged of the left wing say "Oh, OK"?

I think some in the democrat party are starting to realize that they are mixing a dangerous brew of resentment and bitterness with crazy left wing nut jobs. This can be toxic to our body politic.

What happens when Trump is cleared of all of his charges?

What happens if they succeed in impeaching Trump and Pence is sworn in?

Have you lefties actually thought this through or are you just reacting solely on emotion?

On one level, you should not think it through. If people are doing their jobs, they are not concerned with the that. The law should be followed, if Pence is worse, at least he follows the law.
That said, Trump of course makes liberals sick to their stomachs, and that is exactly why disaffected Republicans who felt their party abandoned them selected him. They were motivated by pure hate and succeeded in giving it back..
Trump was not a thinking person's selection, he was a purely emotional selection, a middle finger salute, the result of manufactured hatred from totally unethical right wing media run amok.

So if Trump were to be President, he would conduct the duties with decorum and dignity befitting the office. His policies would suck, and we would get on with opposing them, and you with supporting them. And that is as it should be.