APP - Democrat party would have been better off taking the L


The jury is still out on whether the democrat party will be successful in stealing Trump's re-election victory. If they are, they will come to regret it BIGTIME

First of all there will a hyper vigilant focus on election security. Many of the tactics that the democrats used will not be allowed to stand. Voting laws will change. Democrats won't be able to stop it.

Second, 72 million Trump voters will not forget. 2022 midterms will make 1994 look like a walk in the park. The democrats will get annihilated.

Third, Trump will not go away. And no the democrats aren't going to arrest him. If they succeed in stealing the election they will have already made him a martyr with his supporters. Trying to arrest him will only strengthen that bond and would likely turn off even more independents from the democrat party.

Fourth, had they just waited and allowed Trump to win the election and not try to steal it they most likely would have cleaned up in the 2022 midterms. Definitely expanded the House and had a good shot at the Senate. Opposition party does very well in a President's second term

Fifth, history would have favored the democrat party winning in 2024

But, they couldn't wait. They believe that ruling is their birth right. Additionally, Trump scares them more than any Republican ever and that includes Reagan. And not because they really think Trump is a "dictator". No, it is quite the opposite. Trump is not a dictator. He actually governs like a true Republican meaning he believes in people making their own decisions and the ruling class led by the democrat party just can't have that.

As I keep saying, I don't know how this will eventually play out and who will be sworn in on January 20th, but I do that the democrat party will wish they had never done this.