Democrat Shootings & Trump’s Tariffs


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Every foreign country was pulling for the Chicago sewer rat —— TWICE.

Every enemy country ordered the champaign for the celebration in 2016 because Hillary Clinton was supposed to win in a walkover. (Russia was not taking any chances so the Russians went all-out to insure a victory for Clinton but she lost anyway.)

This country’s enemies have a long friendly relationship with Democrats that predates the Cold War.

The Democrat Party’s track record confirms President Trump’s analyses:

President Trump said in a tweet Saturday that China wants to reach a trade agreement with the U.S. "so badly" and that the country also might be rooting for a Democrat to win the 2020 election.

"China wants to make a deal so badly. Thousands of companies are leaving because of the Tariffs, they must stem the flow," he tweeted. "At the same time China may be hoping for a Democrat to win so they could continue the great ripoff of America, & the theft of hundreds of Billions of $’s!"

Trump says China 'wants to make a deal so badly' and may want a Democrat to beat him
By Rachel Frazin
08/10/19 07:02 PM EDT

Add this to Trump’s critique —— Democrats have no qualms about killing Americans. It follows that rooting for China is predictable.

Only a fool would believe that Democrats are not conspiring to promote mass shootings. Every Democrat mouthing the same words: “Racism causes mass shootings” is proof of a conspiracy.

If truth be told, a mass shooting every day is every Democrat’s fondest hope. Democrats know that pushing for gun control legislation without racism is the biggest loser of all. They also know they are stuck with it.

Assume mass shootings stop permanently. Now ask yourself “What will Democrats campaign on in every future election?” Democrats cannot run on previous mass shootings because shootings are like insulin to type 1 diabetics. Democrats require daily injections of killing in order to function properly.

Obviously, Democrats cannot campaign on Socialism, they dare not campaign on no borders, nor can they campaign on free stuff for everyone. Campaigning on global warming garbage is so ridiculous it has Democrats running for the tall grass. On the other hand, gun control racism is the unlimited supply of free insulin Democrats need as much as they need media coverage and campaign donations.

It matters not which Republican runs for president, America’s enemies conspire to help the Democrat win as long as they do not get caught à la the Steele Dossier.

The only unanswered question is which one of the circus clowns will get the nomination? Whichever clown is the Democrat Party nominee next July he/she will get a lot of help, and hundreds of millions of dollars illegal campaign donations pouring in from this country’s deadliest enemies.

Parenthetically, after the election in 2008 I threw in the sponge on the illegal campaign donations impeaching Obama for the money he took got his foreign friends —— tens of millions by reliable estimates. Obama’s nefarious scheme apparently befuddled the Federal Election Commission:

Obama’s foreign donors
By Dick Morris
10/09/12 10:49 PM EDT

Obama’s friends bought and paid for representation, while the MSM got most of the money in political advertising dollars. Obama never stood before the bar for that one, or anything else for that matter.

The charge that Obama took hundreds of million dollars in illegal campaign contributions from foreigners in 2008 was laughed away. There is still a slight possibility Obama can be nailed for voter fraud even though the filthy piece of garbage is out of office.

Will future presidential historians include two stolen elections in Obama’s legacy? I doubt if the theft will get footnote status.

Here is a thought: Maybe Joe Biden can take the blame! He benefitted so much from a stolen election he now has a shot at the nomination. Indeed, Sleepy Joe would be drooling all over himself in a retirement home without Vice President on his résumé.

Every foreign government knows that campaign contributions influence American elections, but they cannot count on winning Americans election as Muslims did in 2008. Nobody knew that better than Putin. He also knows that he must do a much better job for Democrats in the American media than he did in 2016.

The parasite class need not panic just yet. The fact that nothing was done about Obama in the first place taught most Americans not to expect anything from Congress or the High Court when a leading parasite gets caught.

A second term legitimated Obama’s crimes. Beltway swamp creatures wanted Obama and that is all there was to it.


NOTE: Democrats are crocodiles and Republicans are alligators living in the swamp. The only difference between them is which creature eats the most food; i.e. taxpayers.

Speaking for myself only, I am pretty sure concerned Americans are not going to waste time talking about illegal campaign donations. I think every non-parasite American has finally learned that proving election fraud is a waste of time.

Television mouths know that Democrats cheated in every election since JFK stole it from Richard Nixon in 1960. The question mouths fear the most is “How many mendacious votes were counted in Hillary’s popular vote tally.” My guesstimate is more than the two million she needed to claim a popular vote victory. Two million is not a lot of rigging spread over coastal states. Hell, Los Angeles, California alone was good for a million illegal alien votes.

Obama stole two elections while Hillary failed to steal one. That has to make her more bitter than a thief who broke into a bank vault and fled the scene without the money.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes
By Rowan Scarborough
Monday, June 19, 2017

Finally, as far as I know, an accurate count of illegal alien voters is still being investigated:

“We are still collecting data and will be for several months, but our intent is to publish a comprehensive study on the significant impact of illegal voting in all of its many forms and begin a national discussion on how voters, states and the Trump administration can address this growing problem,” she said.

“We put out a statement shortly after the president-elect’s comments came out, and we said that we support the belief that there could, in fact, have been millions of illegally cast votes, and we are doing tremendous amounts of research to try to get to some of those answers.”

Trump may be right about winning popular legal vote
Posted By Bob Unruh On 11/29/2016 @ 8:18 pm
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Joe Biden’s mental state has so seriously deteriorated that he cannot separate fantasy and reality. That makes him too dangerous to be considered as a possible President of the United States. That is the only conclusion possible in the wake of what is incorrectly being characterized as a “gaffe.”

August 11, 2019
Much worse than a gaffe: Biden boasts of a fantasy meeting that couldn’t have happened
By Thomas Lifson

Biden did not gaffe, nor was he lying. The man is one jump ahead of full-blown senility:

Indeed, Sleepy Joe would be drooling all over himself in a retirement home without Vice President on his résumé.
Ok, this is national conspiracy day, or there is a contest to see who can post the craziest things this Monday. Flanders, you will be tough to beat.
Biden's gaffes have been in his repertoire for decades. He has been a solid politician throughout. Trump is the one who makes you worry. He says crazy shit almost every day. Remember the taking over of airports in the Revolutionary war? The teleprompter went down and the real Trump came out.
Biden's gaffes have always bothered me. Trump's are horrifying.
Ok, this is national conspiracy day, or there is a contest to see who can post the craziest things this Monday. Flanders, you will be tough to beat.

No… a troll tossing out bait to see just who takes the first bite. Leftists are like carp....bottom dwelling scavengers that hang in large groups anyplace a sewer system dumps into a gossip, they;) eat that CRAP up.
Every foreign country was pulling for the Chicago sewer rat —— TWICE.

Every enemy country ordered the champaign for the celebration in 2016 because Hillary Clinton was supposed to win in a walkover. (Russia was not taking any chances so the Russians went all-out to insure a victory for Clinton but she lost anyway.)

This country’s enemies have a long friendly relationship with Democrats that predates the Cold War.

The Democrat Party’s track record confirms President Trump’s analyses:

President Trump said in a tweet Saturday that China wants to reach a trade agreement with the U.S. "so badly" and that the country also might be rooting for a Democrat to win the 2020 election.

"China wants to make a deal so badly. Thousands of companies are leaving because of the Tariffs, they must stem the flow," he tweeted. "At the same time China may be hoping for a Democrat to win so they could continue the great ripoff of America, & the theft of hundreds of Billions of $’s!"

Trump says China 'wants to make a deal so badly' and may want a Democrat to beat him
By Rachel Frazin
08/10/19 07:02 PM EDT

Add this to Trump’s critique —— Democrats have no qualms about killing Americans. It follows that rooting for China is predictable.

Only a fool would believe that Democrats are not conspiring to promote mass shootings. Every Democrat mouthing the same words: “Racism causes mass shootings” is proof of a conspiracy.

If truth be told, a mass shooting every day is every Democrat’s fondest hope. Democrats know that pushing for gun control legislation without racism is the biggest loser of all. They also know they are stuck with it.

Assume mass shootings stop permanently. Now ask yourself “What will Democrats campaign on in every future election?” Democrats cannot run on previous mass shootings because shootings are like insulin to type 1 diabetics. Democrats require daily injections of killing in order to function properly.

Obviously, Democrats cannot campaign on Socialism, they dare not campaign on no borders, nor can they campaign on free stuff for everyone. Campaigning on global warming garbage is so ridiculous it has Democrats running for the tall grass. On the other hand, gun control racism is the unlimited supply of free insulin Democrats need as much as they need media coverage and campaign donations.

It matters not which Republican runs for president, America’s enemies conspire to help the Democrat win as long as they do not get caught à la the Steele Dossier.

The only unanswered question is which one of the circus clowns will get the nomination? Whichever clown is the Democrat Party nominee next July he/she will get a lot of help, and hundreds of millions of dollars illegal campaign donations pouring in from this country’s deadliest enemies.

Parenthetically, after the election in 2008 I threw in the sponge on the illegal campaign donations impeaching Obama for the money he took got his foreign friends —— tens of millions by reliable estimates. Obama’s nefarious scheme apparently befuddled the Federal Election Commission:

Obama’s foreign donors
By Dick Morris
10/09/12 10:49 PM EDT

Obama’s friends bought and paid for representation, while the MSM got most of the money in political advertising dollars. Obama never stood before the bar for that one, or anything else for that matter.

The charge that Obama took hundreds of million dollars in illegal campaign contributions from foreigners in 2008 was laughed away. There is still a slight possibility Obama can be nailed for voter fraud even though the filthy piece of garbage is out of office.

Will future presidential historians include two stolen elections in Obama’s legacy? I doubt if the theft will get footnote status.

Here is a thought: Maybe Joe Biden can take the blame! He benefitted so much from a stolen election he now has a shot at the nomination. Indeed, Sleepy Joe would be drooling all over himself in a retirement home without Vice President on his résumé.

Every foreign government knows that campaign contributions influence American elections, but they cannot count on winning Americans election as Muslims did in 2008. Nobody knew that better than Putin. He also knows that he must do a much better job for Democrats in the American media than he did in 2016.

The parasite class need not panic just yet. The fact that nothing was done about Obama in the first place taught most Americans not to expect anything from Congress or the High Court when a leading parasite gets caught.

A second term legitimated Obama’s crimes. Beltway swamp creatures wanted Obama and that is all there was to it.

NOTE: Democrats are crocodiles and Republicans are alligators living in the swamp. The only difference between them is which creature eats the most food; i.e. taxpayers.

Speaking for myself only, I am pretty sure concerned Americans are not going to waste time talking about illegal campaign donations. I think every non-parasite American has finally learned that proving election fraud is a waste of time.

Television mouths know that Democrats cheated in every election since JFK stole it from Richard Nixon in 1960. The question mouths fear the most is “How many mendacious votes were counted in Hillary’s popular vote tally.” My guesstimate is more than the two million she needed to claim a popular vote victory. Two million is not a lot of rigging spread over coastal states. Hell, Los Angeles, California alone was good for a million illegal alien votes.

Obama stole two elections while Hillary failed to steal one. That has to make her more bitter than a thief who broke into a bank vault and fled the scene without the money.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes
By Rowan Scarborough
Monday, June 19, 2017

Finally, as far as I know, an accurate count of illegal alien voters is still being investigated:

“We are still collecting data and will be for several months, but our intent is to publish a comprehensive study on the significant impact of illegal voting in all of its many forms and begin a national discussion on how voters, states and the Trump administration can address this growing problem,” she said.

“We put out a statement shortly after the president-elect’s comments came out, and we said that we support the belief that there could, in fact, have been millions of illegally cast votes, and we are doing tremendous amounts of research to try to get to some of those answers.”

Trump may be right about winning popular legal vote
Posted By Bob Unruh On 11/29/2016 @ 8:18 pm

Lulz. You're quite literally mentally retarded.

Did you know the only people to vote in the past two federal elections were illegal aliens? That's right, not a SINGLE US citizen was permitted to vote.
Every foreign country was pulling for the Chicago sewer rat —— TWICE.

Every enemy country ordered the champaign for the celebration in 2016 because Hillary Clinton was supposed to win in a walkover. (Russia was not taking any chances so the Russians went all-out to insure a victory for Clinton but she lost anyway.)

This country’s enemies have a long friendly relationship with Democrats that predates the Cold War.

The Democrat Party’s track record confirms President Trump’s analyses:

President Trump said in a tweet Saturday that China wants to reach a trade agreement with the U.S. "so badly" and that the country also might be rooting for a Democrat to win the 2020 election.

"China wants to make a deal so badly. Thousands of companies are leaving because of the Tariffs, they must stem the flow," he tweeted. "At the same time China may be hoping for a Democrat to win so they could continue the great ripoff of America, & the theft of hundreds of Billions of $’s!"

Trump says China 'wants to make a deal so badly' and may want a Democrat to beat him
By Rachel Frazin
08/10/19 07:02 PM EDT

Add this to Trump’s critique —— Democrats have no qualms about killing Americans. It follows that rooting for China is predictable.

Only a fool would believe that Democrats are not conspiring to promote mass shootings. Every Democrat mouthing the same words: “Racism causes mass shootings” is proof of a conspiracy.

If truth be told, a mass shooting every day is every Democrat’s fondest hope. Democrats know that pushing for gun control legislation without racism is the biggest loser of all. They also know they are stuck with it.

Assume mass shootings stop permanently. Now ask yourself “What will Democrats campaign on in every future election?” Democrats cannot run on previous mass shootings because shootings are like insulin to type 1 diabetics. Democrats require daily injections of killing in order to function properly.

Obviously, Democrats cannot campaign on Socialism, they dare not campaign on no borders, nor can they campaign on free stuff for everyone. Campaigning on global warming garbage is so ridiculous it has Democrats running for the tall grass. On the other hand, gun control racism is the unlimited supply of free insulin Democrats need as much as they need media coverage and campaign donations.

It matters not which Republican runs for president, America’s enemies conspire to help the Democrat win as long as they do not get caught à la the Steele Dossier.

The only unanswered question is which one of the circus clowns will get the nomination? Whichever clown is the Democrat Party nominee next July he/she will get a lot of help, and hundreds of millions of dollars illegal campaign donations pouring in from this country’s deadliest enemies.

Parenthetically, after the election in 2008 I threw in the sponge on the illegal campaign donations impeaching Obama for the money he took got his foreign friends —— tens of millions by reliable estimates. Obama’s nefarious scheme apparently befuddled the Federal Election Commission:

Obama’s foreign donors
By Dick Morris
10/09/12 10:49 PM EDT

Obama’s friends bought and paid for representation, while the MSM got most of the money in political advertising dollars. Obama never stood before the bar for that one, or anything else for that matter.

The charge that Obama took hundreds of million dollars in illegal campaign contributions from foreigners in 2008 was laughed away. There is still a slight possibility Obama can be nailed for voter fraud even though the filthy piece of garbage is out of office.

Will future presidential historians include two stolen elections in Obama’s legacy? I doubt if the theft will get footnote status.

Here is a thought: Maybe Joe Biden can take the blame! He benefitted so much from a stolen election he now has a shot at the nomination. Indeed, Sleepy Joe would be drooling all over himself in a retirement home without Vice President on his résumé.

Every foreign government knows that campaign contributions influence American elections, but they cannot count on winning Americans election as Muslims did in 2008. Nobody knew that better than Putin. He also knows that he must do a much better job for Democrats in the American media than he did in 2016.

The parasite class need not panic just yet. The fact that nothing was done about Obama in the first place taught most Americans not to expect anything from Congress or the High Court when a leading parasite gets caught.

A second term legitimated Obama’s crimes. Beltway swamp creatures wanted Obama and that is all there was to it.

NOTE: Democrats are crocodiles and Republicans are alligators living in the swamp. The only difference between them is which creature eats the most food; i.e. taxpayers.

Speaking for myself only, I am pretty sure concerned Americans are not going to waste time talking about illegal campaign donations. I think every non-parasite American has finally learned that proving election fraud is a waste of time.

Television mouths know that Democrats cheated in every election since JFK stole it from Richard Nixon in 1960. The question mouths fear the most is “How many mendacious votes were counted in Hillary’s popular vote tally.” My guesstimate is more than the two million she needed to claim a popular vote victory. Two million is not a lot of rigging spread over coastal states. Hell, Los Angeles, California alone was good for a million illegal alien votes.

Obama stole two elections while Hillary failed to steal one. That has to make her more bitter than a thief who broke into a bank vault and fled the scene without the money.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes
By Rowan Scarborough
Monday, June 19, 2017

Finally, as far as I know, an accurate count of illegal alien voters is still being investigated:

“We are still collecting data and will be for several months, but our intent is to publish a comprehensive study on the significant impact of illegal voting in all of its many forms and begin a national discussion on how voters, states and the Trump administration can address this growing problem,” she said.

“We put out a statement shortly after the president-elect’s comments came out, and we said that we support the belief that there could, in fact, have been millions of illegally cast votes, and we are doing tremendous amounts of research to try to get to some of those answers.”

Trump may be right about winning popular legal vote
Posted By Bob Unruh On 11/29/2016 @ 8:18 pm

Thanks for the wonderful and informative post!
Television mouths know that Democrats cheated in every election since JFK stole it from Richard Nixon in 1960. The question mouths fear the most is “How many mendacious votes were counted in Hillary’s popular vote tally.” My guesstimate is more than the two million she needed to claim a popular vote victory. Two million is not a lot of rigging spread over coastal states. Hell, Los Angeles, California alone was good for a million illegal alien votes.

Obama stole two elections while Hillary failed to steal one. That has to make her more bitter than a thief who broke into a bank vault and fled the scene without the money.

Hillary Clinton will never admit she lost because she did not steal enough votes:

Hillary's Blaming Her Loss On 'Voter Suppression' When She Really Should Be Looking At Her Husband
Beth Baumann
Posted: Sep 17, 2019 8:15 PM

President Trump should take note. The Democrat nominee can only win in 2020 if he/she does a better job of stealing votes than did Hillary.