Democrat suspended for leaking high level intellegence on global terror to NY Times

the staffer IS INNOCENT....till proven guilty...assholes, the both of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh, i two don't believe in getting a fair trial before declaring someone a traitor or treasonists or even having ANY EVIDENCE of a crime while slandering someone the way this REPUB CONGRESSMAN just did, nor do you believe as americans we have the right to habeas corpus....

one word for ya!


I have no credible information to say any classified information was leaked from the committee's minority staff, but the implications of such would be dramatic," LaHood wrote Hoekstra, R-Mich., late last month. "This may, in fact, be only coincidence, and simply 'look bad.'
from the article:
"I have no credible information to say any classified information was leaked from the committee's minority staff, but the implications of such would be dramatic,"
So no proof that the information was even leaked, and yet the staffer is suspended and pronounced guilty by neocon toads ?
from the article:
"I have no credible information to say any classified information was leaked from the committee's minority staff, but the implications of such would be dramatic,"
So no proof that the information was even leaked, and yet the staffer is suspended and pronounced guilty by neocon toads ?

It's actually worse than your analysis suggests, there is not only "no proof"; it appears that there is not even any "hearsay" or "gossip" that he leaked anything. This is genuinely horrifying and incredible. No doubt the GOP is really grasping at straws. Trying to create a scandal out of whole cloth where nothing even resembling a scandal exists. Why am I not surprised that toby, my main man, jumped all over this!!!!!
jane harmon, who is an honest ace, said this was done by republicans to her staffer to deflect from a scaving report that she had released the same day...

the staffer needs to sue for deflamation of character....
is there ANY republican that is NOT corrupt? please, let's hear names of ANYONE not proven to be corrupt , so that i can have some hope in goodness's existance..... :(
You have to be a pig to wallow in the mud with the rest of the pigs. I think it is a matter of looking for the least dirty pigs. There probably are no clean pigs.