APP - Democrat Wish List


New member
This is up till now, we have a long time to go for Democrats vying for Potus to add to the list.

Between all the candidates that have so far announced their aspirations to be potus this is what they are declaring they want collectively

Im not going to ask how we pay for it, I know the pat liberal responses already.

"We Just pay for it"

"We print more money"

"Same way weve been paying for wars"

"Tax the Rich"

"Debt doesnt matter"

The Wish list for starters

Green New Deal in its entirety

Medicare for all including illegal immigrants and totally abolish private insurance and put 2-3.5million americans out of work.

Free College for All

Reparations for Slavery

Reparations to American Indians

600 a month stipend to all americans including illegal immigrants who arent american

Abolish Ice

No Border Patrol enforcement and take down all existing barriers.

Impeach trump

Imprison trump and continue various investigations Im guessing until his death.
I think its a wonderful list and I hope they add much more to it, as it stands thought its going to get President Trump re elected