Democratic Debate Abducted by UFOs!


Staff member

In one of the strangest exchanges in primary presidential debate history occurred in the Drexel University-MSNBC Democratic debate. And believe it or not Mike Gravel was not allowed in this debate and thus was not a part of the exchange.

It started when Tim Russert asked Dennis Kucinich about his daughter's godmother, actress Shirley McLaine's recounting of a UFO sighting. McLaine claims that Kucinich saw a UFO over her house. Mr. Kucinich confirmed he did indeed see a UFO and felt it communicate with him.

You read that right. Democratic Congressman and Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich admitted during a debate that he witnessed and communicated with a UFO.

(Not only did he see it, he communicated with it...)

More at link.... Parenthesis are mine.
I cant really fault him. When I saw what I saw I felt no threat. There was a definate sense of a friendly force. I should have been scared shitless at the sight of something so much more powerful than myself and left feeling threatened by what could have so obviously taken me out if it wanted to.
the aliens are are not powerful. they just have cool ships that look like smudges of light instead of ships.
I cant really fault him. When I saw what I saw I felt no threat. There was a definate sense of a friendly force. I should have been scared shitless at the sight of something so much more powerful than myself and left feeling threatened by what could have so obviously taken me out if it wanted to.
Bad news, I think they did take you out...
Even weirder... Richardson with his, "The government must come clean on UFOs!"

I think we got a clear view into which party those 30% who believe in UFOs might be 'hiding'....

In one of the strangest exchanges in primary presidential debate history occurred in the Drexel University-MSNBC Democratic debate. And believe it or not Mike Gravel was not allowed in this debate and thus was not a part of the exchange.

It started when Tim Russert asked Dennis Kucinich about his daughter's godmother, actress Shirley McLaine's recounting of a UFO sighting. McLaine claims that Kucinich saw a UFO over her house. Mr. Kucinich confirmed he did indeed see a UFO and felt it communicate with him.

You read that right. Democratic Congressman and Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich admitted during a debate that he witnessed and communicated with a UFO.

(Not only did he see it, he communicated with it...)

More at link.... Parenthesis are mine.

That was me. I'm sorry for the confusion, Kucinich.
Pluuuease... Russert is a right wing hack. He just proved it.

Totally, and have you noticed that he actually hates Hillary Clinton? No shit. I have watched him interview her, a couple of weeks back on MTP, and guess what, he didn't smile one time. And if you watch Russert...that doesn't happen The fat f likes to joke with all his guests, and he smiles at least a couple of times during interviews.

Not once. Not even a crack of a smile. He actually hates the woman. Now, I'm not voting for her, but I think it's really odd.
Ridiculous. The man says that he saw something, and couldn't identify it. My God, you saw something in the sky that you couldn't identify?

Dano, this thread is almost as much of a joke as you are in general.
Every human being has had multiple moments where they thought they "saw" somehing, and didn't jump to a conclusion.

It is the crazy fuckers who INSIST that such momentary sensory anomalies are "God, Jesus, Zeus, or Indigestion"
Ridiculous. The man says that he saw something, and couldn't identify it. My God, you saw something in the sky that you couldn't identify?

Dano, this thread is almost as much of a joke as you are in general.
Um, maybe you missed this part:
"Mr. Kucinich confirmed he did indeed see a UFO and felt it communicate with him."

It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's SuperFallacyMan! Here to save the day, with the fallacy of " 'Oh shit I forgot to actually read what was posted' fallacy"
Every human being has had multiple moments where they thought they "saw" somehing, and didn't jump to a conclusion.

It is the crazy fuckers who INSIST that such momentary sensory anomalies are "God, Jesus, Zeus, or Indigestion"

When I thought I saw a pile of hurl in front of me, I immediately thought I had indigestion but then thought, wait a minute I don't want to be thought of as a crazy fucker, so I just chose to forget that episode...
Actually, Mr. Kucinich did confirm that he did see a UFO. he said so with a grin, and did NOT say that he "felt it communicate with him"

He then went on to say that he was moving his headquarters to Roswell.

Only a FUCKING MORON pretends that something that someone OBVIOUSLY says in sarcasm, is said person claiming something as absolute fact.

You get more fucking ridiculous by the day, you fucking idiot.