Democratic Party Affiliation Plunges to Record Low


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Democratic Party Affiliation Plunges to Record Low​

Is this the "writing on the wall"?

The number of people who describe themselves as Democrats has shrunk to its lowest recorded level.

Gallup, a polling firm that tracks party affiliation monthly, found that in June's poll, 23 percent of respondents identified as Democrats—the lowest level since records began in 2004.

This decline in the Democratic base corresponds with a higher number of respondents identifying as independents, who—in the same poll—were recorded at their highest level since 2004: 51 percent. The remaining 25 percent identified as Republicans.

The U.S. has seen growing public dissatisfaction with both parties and in the wider political system. Last year, a Pew Research Center study found that only 16 percent of U.S. adults said they trusted the federal government, the lowest level recorded in almost 70 years of polling.

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Democratic Party Affiliation Plunges to Record Low​

Is this the "writing on the wall"?

The number of people who describe themselves as Democrats has shrunk to its lowest recorded level.

Gallup, a polling firm that tracks party affiliation monthly, found that in June's poll, 23 percent of respondents identified as Democrats—the lowest level since records began in 2004.

This decline in the Democratic base corresponds with a higher number of respondents identifying as independents, who—in the same poll—were recorded at their highest level since 2004: 51 percent. The remaining 25 percent identified as Republicans.

The U.S. has seen growing public dissatisfaction with both parties and in the wider political system. Last year, a Pew Research Center study found that only 16 percent of U.S. adults said they trusted the federal government, the lowest level recorded in almost 70 years of polling.

You have to be brain dead to be a democrat
Your party is in trouble, Miss Marple.

Even the New York Time’s editorial board is calling for Biden to resign.

He really should and probably wants to but “Dr.” Jill won’t allow him to.
I think it's funny and sad that now repubs are demonizing Jill Biden. I saw the same thing happen to Michelle Obama.