Democrats Project their own Character Flaws onto Republicans
Has anyone else noticed that Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of being guilty of what they have been doing themselves? The term projection was first introduced into psychology by Sigmund Freud. The word is used to describe that most peculiar form of hypocrisy where one person accuses another of thoughts or behavior of which they themselves are actually guilty. It seems to be the only word that adequately describes Democrat speech and behavior.
For example, Democrats love to frequently accuse Republicans of being racists and white supremacists. But it was Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than fourteen hours. While it is true that a slim majority of Democrats supported that landmark piece of legislation, the percentage was only about 60/40 or so. The fact is the bill only passed because of overwhelming Republican support (80/20). The Democratic Party was the original home of the KKK.
Has anyone else noticed that Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of being guilty of what they have been doing themselves? The term projection was first introduced into psychology by Sigmund Freud. The word is used to describe that most peculiar form of hypocrisy where one person accuses another of thoughts or behavior of which they themselves are actually guilty. It seems to be the only word that adequately describes Democrat speech and behavior.
For example, Democrats love to frequently accuse Republicans of being racists and white supremacists. But it was Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than fourteen hours. While it is true that a slim majority of Democrats supported that landmark piece of legislation, the percentage was only about 60/40 or so. The fact is the bill only passed because of overwhelming Republican support (80/20). The Democratic Party was the original home of the KKK.