Democrats Ask ACB To Recuse Herself From Any Cases Involving The Constitution

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head

With Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation looming, Democrats have raised a number of questions about her fitness as a Supreme Court justice and whether she can be impartial.

They are now demanding that Barrett recuse herself from any Supreme Court cases that involve the Constitution.

“Judge Barrett seems very biased toward the Constitution,” said Senator Mazie Hirono. “She’s not only read it but seems to have some sort of allegiance to it. She can’t be impartial on any case involving the Constitution as she’ll always side with it.”

Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris amplified the concerns. “We would prefer to have someone who has never read the Constitution,” she told reporters while loudly cackling at an inappropriate time in the conversation.

“We can't have a justice who is biased about what the Constitution does and doesn’t allow the government to do. Unfortunately, Barrett seems to have spent quite a lot of time with the Constitution and will never represent progressive interests above it. It’s just not fair for her to be on any case where the Constitution is an issue.”

Barrett, when told these concerns, just went back to planning next week’s meals for her family.

With Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation looming, Democrats have raised a number of questions about her fitness as a Supreme Court justice and whether she can be impartial.

They are now demanding that Barrett recuse herself from any Supreme Court cases that involve the Constitution.

“Judge Barrett seems very biased toward the Constitution,” said Senator Mazie Hirono. “She’s not only read it but seems to have some sort of allegiance to it. She can’t be impartial on any case involving the Constitution as she’ll always side with it.”

Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris amplified the concerns. “We would prefer to have someone who has never read the Constitution,” she told reporters while loudly cackling at an inappropriate time in the conversation.

“We can't have a justice who is biased about what the Constitution does and doesn’t allow the government to do. Unfortunately, Barrett seems to have spent quite a lot of time with the Constitution and will never represent progressive interests above it. It’s just not fair for her to be on any case where the Constitution is an issue.”

Barrett, when told these concerns, just went back to planning next week’s meals for her family.

Why is that colored queers name backwards.
The Babylon Bee is the equivalent to the Onion, except not as witty, probably cause it often leans right, wingers have never been known for their humor

Yeah I forgot about that. With Dr. Lesion, you can never tell. Poe's law applies to him.
Yeah yeah yeah you got me. Good one.

I've seen people creating threads on stories from the Onion, thinking they were legitimate. LMAO.
"Amy Coney Barrett Promises Catholic Faith Won’t Interfere With Court’s Crushing Of The Poor, Downtrodden"

"In an effort to assure critics during her Senate confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court, Judge Amy Coney Barrett promised Monday that her Catholic faith’s tenets of generosity and humanity would not interfere with her duty on the court to crush the nation’s poorest and most downtrodden citizens."

"While I deeply believe in the Catholic virtue of mercy in my personal life, compassion has no place in my courtroom, and my long history as a federal judge demonstrates that. Barrett added that her time as a clerk for Justice Scalia proved that she was capable of treating the poor as less than human beings in the eyes of the law."
"Amy Coney Barrett Promises Catholic Faith Won’t Interfere With Court’s Crushing Of The Poor, Downtrodden"

"In an effort to assure critics during her Senate confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court, Judge Amy Coney Barrett promised Monday that her Catholic faith’s tenets of generosity and humanity would not interfere with her duty on the court to crush the nation’s poorest and most downtrodden citizens."

"While I deeply believe in the Catholic virtue of mercy in my personal life, compassion has no place in my courtroom, and my long history as a federal judge demonstrates that. Barrett added that her time as a clerk for Justice Scalia proved that she was capable of treating the poor as less than human beings in the eyes of the law."

sweet......they vote primarily demmycrat.......they need to be crushed within the next two weeks.......
The Babylon Bee is the equivalent to the Onion, except not as witty, probably cause it often leans right, wingers have never been known for their humor

A couple of years ago, The Onion ran a satirical story about illegals hanging on airplane wings to cross the US border. Right-wingers actually thought it was real and attacked President Obama for "allowing" it to happen.