Democrats beware: An economic populist in rising in the GOP


Will work for Scooby snacks
Seriously, Democrats better wise up. And start really start representing the interests of working americans and the middle class - instead of paying lip service to it.

Because, I think most of us adults can tell: we can feel the undercurrent of anxiety in this country. I think most of us adults can tell, that working americans are hungry for a leader who will put their interests over special interests.

And if the Democrats don't really do it, the republicans appear to have a guy who will. This is assuming republicans are smart enough to realize that if they nominated a economic populist GOP candiate, they would totally steal the Dems thunder.

And I think this Huckebee dude might be the real deal. That's not to say I agree with him. But, he's got all the right words. And I don't think they're fake words. I can tell a phony pretty easily. When Bush tried to sell himself as a moderate, "compassionate" conservative, I could smell the bullshit a mile away.

Huckabee...has an extraordinarily different message than any of the other Republican presidential contenders - a populist economic message that may be shunned by conservative operatives and K Street lobbyists in Washington, but likely has an appeal among rank-and-file working-class Republican voters. Though Beltway reporters are too insulated in their cliched views of politics to see how this economic populist appeal may be fueling Huckabee’s candidacy, it is a phenomenon Democrats should be well aware of if they want to win the White House in 2008.

Here is Huckabee quoted on the AFL-CIO’s webpage from the recent Republican presidential debate:

“The most important thing a president needs to do is to make it clear that we’re not going to continue to see jobs shipped overseas, jobs that are lost by American workers, many in their 50s who for 20 and 30 years have worked to make a company rich, and then watch as a CEO takes a $100 million bonus to jettison those American jobs somewhere else. And the worker not only loses his job, but he loses his pension. That’s criminal. It’s wrong.”

I saw Huckebee on Hardball, and he said - with total conviction - that if the GOP didn't want to become a permanent minority party, they had better stop being a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street and Corporations..... And he said that a CEO making 500 times more than a line assembly worker, wasn't capitalism...its sheer GREED.

Fuck, did a republican really say that?

The thing is, I don't think republicans will be smart enough to nominate Huckabee. They don't realize that Huckabee's message and conviction would sell.

Plus, I can't see republican elites and the hard core republican base supporting an economic populist message anyway.
Yeah, I think this is a major reason he's not raising money. The Republican donors are corporate america, not unions, let's face it.
Seriously, Democrats better wise up. And start really start representing the interests of working americans and the middle class - instead of paying lip service to it.

Because, I think most of us adults can tell: we can feel the undercurrent of anxiety in this country. I think most of us adults can tell, that working americans are hungry for a leader who will put their interests over special interests.

And if the Democrats don't really do it, the republicans appear to have a guy who will. This is assuming republicans are smart enough to realize that if they nominated a economic populist GOP candiate, they would totally steal the Dems thunder.

And I think this Huckebee dude might be the real deal. That's not to say I agree with him. But, he's got all the right words. And I don't think they're fake words. I can tell a phony pretty easily. When Bush tried to sell himself as a moderate, "compassionate" conservative, I could smell the bullshit a mile away.

I saw Huckebee on Hardball, and he said - with total conviction - that if the GOP didn't want to become a permanent minority party, they had better stop being a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street and Corporations..... And he said that a CEO making 500 times more than a line assembly worker, wasn't capitalism...its sheer GREED.

Fuck, did a republican really say that?

The thing is, I don't think republicans will be smart enough to nominate Huckabee. They don't realize that Huckabee's message and conviction would sell.

Plus, I can't see republican elites and the hard core republican base supporting an economic populist message anyway.

What did he say that you disagree with?
Yeah, I think this is a major reason he's not raising money. The Republican donors are corporate america, not unions, let's face it.

Didn't Huckabee finish second in the Iowa straw poll?

... republicans aren't smart enough to nominate him. HaHa But, wow...I've never heard a Con talk like that. At least in 30 or 40 years. He could win a general election. He sounds more Democratic, than even Democrats. LOL
What did he say that you disagree with?

no one who voted for bush twice, should ever be trusted with our foreign policy. The U.S. State Department should have a restraining order, keeping Bush voters at least a mile away from the State Department.

that's my main beef with Huckabee. I'm sure he voted for the bush disaster twice.
Didn't Huckabee finish second in the Iowa straw poll?

... republicans aren't smart enough to nominate him. HaHa But, wow...I've never heard a Con talk like that. At least in 30 or 40 years. He could win a general election. He sounds more Democratic, than even Democrats. LOL
That's not populism you dolt, that's just one statement. If you followed Huckabee's record you would see very little populism. He's a decent Conservative, used to be more so, but his big kick has been getting government more involved in pushing people to be healthier (as he himself lost lots of weight and now wants to push his view on this on everyone), I don't like government forcing that so I am more distant to the guy and wouldn't really consider him.

I'd probably vote for him over the weak Liberalish candidates though like Guillani and Romney, I don't trust them to be Conservative at all. Let's hope Ron Paul keeps edging up.
Seriously, Democrats better wise up. And start really start representing the interests of working americans and the middle class - instead of paying lip service to it.

Because, I think most of us adults can tell: we can feel the undercurrent of anxiety in this country. I think most of us adults can tell, that working americans are hungry for a leader who will put their interests over special interests.

And if the Democrats don't really do it, the republicans appear to have a guy who will. This is assuming republicans are smart enough to realize that if they nominated a economic populist GOP candiate, they would totally steal the Dems thunder.

And I think this Huckebee dude might be the real deal. That's not to say I agree with him. But, he's got all the right words. And I don't think they're fake words. I can tell a phony pretty easily. When Bush tried to sell himself as a moderate, "compassionate" conservative, I could smell the bullshit a mile away.

I saw Huckebee on Hardball, and he said - with total conviction - that if the GOP didn't want to become a permanent minority party, they had better stop being a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street and Corporations..... And he said that a CEO making 500 times more than a line assembly worker, wasn't capitalism...its sheer GREED.

Fuck, did a republican really say that?

The thing is, I don't think republicans will be smart enough to nominate Huckabee. They don't realize that Huckabee's message and conviction would sell.

Plus, I can't see republican elites and the hard core republican base supporting an economic populist message anyway.

Good for Huckabee!

It will keep him off the ticket though.
That's not populism you dolt, that's just one statement. If you followed Huckabee's record you would see very little populism. He's a decent Conservative, used to be more so, but his big kick has been getting government more involved in pushing people to be healthier (as he himself lost lots of weight and now wants to push his view on this on everyone), I don't like government forcing that so I am more distant to the guy and wouldn't really consider him.

I'd probably vote for him over the weak Liberalish candidates though like Guillani and Romney, I don't trust them to be Conservative at all. Let's hope Ron Paul keeps edging up.

He said the GOP was a wholly owned subsidieary of Wall Street and Corporations. If any democrat said that, you'd go ballistic.
Rudy didn't do Iowa
this nut job won't do more than 10% of the cons
CEO making 500 times is fine if you let shareholders have more say over board and compensation.:clink:
Rudy didn't do Iowa
this nut job won't do more than 10% of the cons
CEO making 500 times is fine if you let shareholders have more say over board and compensation.:clink:

this nut job won't do more than 10% of the cons


Thanks. I knew this so called "class warfare" rhetoric wouldn't sell to the cons.
Umm and Bush was against nation biulding and the US being the police force of the world in 2000. Or so he said.
Never believe campaign speeches, they are specifically expempt from the truth in advertising laws.

What is huckabees history ?
I met huckabee when I was working in Arkansas. He's a typical politician, I guess. He'd never get my vote over Edwards.
I saw Huckebee on Hardball, and he said - with total conviction - that if the GOP didn't want to become a permanent minority party, they had better stop being a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street and Corporations..... And he said that a CEO making 500 times more than a line assembly worker, wasn't capitalism...its sheer GREED.

Has not seemed to hurt the dems.

Huckabee is playing to idiots and would change nothing. The Fed is the source of the control. So long as he does not threaten that, WS and the Banks won't really worry about him. They might like some candidates better, but he does not threaten them at all.
Edwards is the best shot for actual change that doesn't involved destroying government as we know it (ala Ron Paul).
Destroying the fraud that government or any so called populism actually cares about the poor, you mean.

If Paul won the nod the Dems would be far more fat with cash than they are now. He is the only candidate that would actually threaten WS and the banks. Frankly, he probably would end up getting shot, if they thought he had any chance.

Most of you lefties (toppy too) are all such pathetic suckers. You have no clue about how the game is rigged.