Democrats changing official symbol from donkey


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Democrats changing official symbol from donkey to a condom, because it more accurately representations the party's political stance.

A condom allows for inflation , halts production , destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of dicks , and gives you a false sense of security when your actually being screwed .
Democrats changing official symbol from donkey to a condom, because it more accurately representations the party's political stance.

A condom allows for inflation , halts production , destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of dicks , and gives you a false sense of security when your actually being screwed .

And how sad is it that he had to steal this from someone else? My God he's a loser. Do you think he'll EVER learn to spell you're? I'm not holding out much hope.
Odd how democrats think its all funny when they joke about republicans but get a 3rd degree butt hurt when you joke about them.
Next week they will switch to a but plug .ots keeps the truth from coming out.
They also make great pacifiers for democrats.