Diogenes It's not my fault if you're retarded Yesterday at 4:35 PM #1 Mother confronts Gavin Newsom and calls him out over wildfires https://twitter.com/x/status/1877464122171818450
Mother confronts Gavin Newsom and calls him out over wildfires https://twitter.com/x/status/1877464122171818450
Diogenes It's not my fault if you're retarded Yesterday at 4:36 PM #2 Fire Prevention!™ by Billy Mays https://twitter.com/x/status/1877461744840270118
Diogenes It's not my fault if you're retarded Yesterday at 4:37 PM #3 CNN: “You didn’t see a particularly warm greeting between the First Couple and the Second Couple here”. https://twitter.com/x/status/1877469589291835825
CNN: “You didn’t see a particularly warm greeting between the First Couple and the Second Couple here”. https://twitter.com/x/status/1877469589291835825
Diogenes It's not my fault if you're retarded Yesterday at 4:42 PM #6 https://twitter.com/x/status/1877327545713975422
Diogenes It's not my fault if you're retarded Yesterday at 5:22 PM #8 Gavin Newsom rejected a recent bill which would have allowed CalFire to retain seasonal firefighters to help with staffing shortages.
Gavin Newsom rejected a recent bill which would have allowed CalFire to retain seasonal firefighters to help with staffing shortages.