Democrats' 'Diversity' and 'Tolerance' are Killing our Nation


Verified User
Diversity of crime, violence, and injustice is not a good thing. Nor is diversity of ignorance, prevacation, apathy or evil. Today's "progressives" claim to worship diversity, but only of skin color. ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, and perhaps depravity. Progressives have zero tolerance for traditional values, constructive thought and opinion, the freedom for others to disagree with them, or anyone daring to challenge their power, i.e. as in the warfare against Donald Trump.

Under Democrat tolerance our kids are being indoctrinated instead of educated in our schools. We are tolerating the mutilation of their genitalia, and the consequent theft of their sexual health in their adult years......often aided and abetted by their liberal "educators." We tolerated lockdowns and mandatory introduction of experimental mRNA vaccines into our bodies. And being told we couldn't attend the weddings or funerals of our loved ones.

We as Americans are unfortunately tolerating the Left's designed open border policy that is putting innocent Americans at risk for their lives and for their livelihoods by having Biden and Kamala's open welcome hand to some of the worst criminals/terrorists on the planet.

We are also unfortunately tolerating the ruination of our economy and destruction of our urban areas. That we will be tolerating the demise of the nuclear family if these radical leftists get their way by having the most radical leftist among the Dems in this Kamala Communist win in Nov.
If tolerance is your problem, Libby,
take comfort in the fact that I have zero tolerance for social Neanderthals like yourself.
Right on the subject of the libs diversity and tolerance, I see. Get back to us when you have something-anything of
substance concerning the OP.
I believe that my remarks were directly on topic.
You identify examples of tolerance which you consider inappropriate.
I gave my example of ill-advised tolerance,
which very much includes tolerance of characters like yourself.
Diversity of crime, violence, and injustice is not a good thing. Nor is diversity of ignorance, prevacation, apathy or evil. Today's "progressives" claim to worship diversity, but only of skin color. ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, and perhaps depravity. Progressives have zero tolerance for traditional values, constructive thought and opinion, the freedom for others to disagree with them, or anyone daring to challenge their power, i.e. as in the warfare against Donald Trump.

Under Democrat tolerance our kids are being indoctrinated instead of educated in our schools. We are tolerating the mutilation of their genitalia, and the consequent theft of their sexual health in their adult years......often aided and abetted by their liberal "educators." We tolerated lockdowns and mandatory introduction of experimental mRNA vaccines into our bodies. And being told we couldn't attend the weddings or funerals of our loved ones.

We as Americans are unfortunately tolerating the Left's designed open border policy that is putting innocent Americans at risk for their lives and for their livelihoods by having Biden and Kamala's open welcome hand to some of the worst criminals/terrorists on the planet.

We are also unfortunately tolerating the ruination of our economy and destruction of our urban areas. That we will be tolerating the demise of the nuclear family if these radical leftists get their way by having the most radical leftist among the Dems in this Kamala Communist win in Nov.
blah blah blah you hate democrats who cares
blah blah blah you hate democrats who cares
So long as you are fine with the Dems killing America in the most unnatural settings concerning our youth and the family structure, I'm okay with you being just one person who supports the danger/problem created by the Dem Party.
Diversity of crime, violence, and injustice is not a good thing. Nor is diversity of ignorance, prevacation, apathy or evil. Today's "progressives" claim to worship diversity, but only of skin color. ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, and perhaps depravity. Progressives have zero tolerance for traditional values, constructive thought and opinion, the freedom for others to disagree with them, or anyone daring to challenge their power, i.e. as in the warfare against Donald Trump.

Under Democrat tolerance our kids are being indoctrinated instead of educated in our schools. We are tolerating the mutilation of their genitalia, and the consequent theft of their sexual health in their adult years......often aided and abetted by their liberal "educators." We tolerated lockdowns and mandatory introduction of experimental mRNA vaccines into our bodies. And being told we couldn't attend the weddings or funerals of our loved ones.

We as Americans are unfortunately tolerating the Left's designed open border policy that is putting innocent Americans at risk for their lives and for their livelihoods by having Biden and Kamala's open welcome hand to some of the worst criminals/terrorists on the planet.

We are also unfortunately tolerating the ruination of our economy and destruction of our urban areas. That we will be tolerating the demise of the nuclear family if these radical leftists get their way by having the most radical leftist among the Dems in this Kamala Communist win in Nov.
But have you noticed their "diversity" and "tolerance" for things never disagrees with the leftist narrative? It's like "disinformation" it never seems to contradict the leftist narrative. It's fascinating.