Democrats, Eyeing a Majority, Prepare an Investigative Onslaught


Well-known member
"WASHINGTON — House Democrats, increasingly optimistic they will win back control in November, are mining a mountain of stymied oversight requests in preparation for an onslaught of hearings, subpoenas and investigations into nearly every corner of the Trump administration."

There you have it folks the top agenda for the Democrats is to get Trump if they can take the House back! To hell with doing the jobs they were elected to do and that is do the peoples work. I am beginning to believe this country will never recover from liberal/conservative partisanship. Our only hope is the American voters are smart enough to keep the left from control of anything.
"WASHINGTON — House Democrats, increasingly optimistic they will win back control in November, are mining a mountain of stymied oversight requests in preparation for an onslaught of hearings, subpoenas and investigations into nearly every corner of the Trump administration."

There you have it folks the top agenda for the Democrats is to get Trump if they can take the House back! To hell with doing the jobs they were elected to do and that is do the peoples work. I am beginning to believe this country will never recover from liberal/conservative partisanship. Our only hope is the American voters are smart enough to keep the left from control of anything.

maybe you can inform us of the last time a republican congress came anywhere close to doing the job they were hired to do, or as you call it, the peoples work. This past Congress has been the least effective in many decades.
maybe you can inform us of the last time a republican congress came anywhere close to doing the job they were hired to do, or as you call it, the peoples work. This past Congress has been the least effective in many decades.

When was the last time the Republicans declared an investigative onslaught against a president instead of doing their jobs? Seems like they have been doing pretty well since Obama left office, the economy is doing well which is their primary job along with defense.

Their job is to save your country from a sick buffoon, as the world knows.

You sir are the best of advertisements for a "REELECT TRUMP" landslide. When socialist communist hate him, he must be doing something right.
When was the last time the Republicans declared an investigative onslaught against a president instead of doing their jobs? Seems like they have been doing pretty well since Obama left office, the economy is doing well which is their primary job along with defense.


One major congressional responsibility is oversight. If republicans failed to do this, then its let up to the Democrats. They are doing a fin job within the limits allowed them.
When was the last time the Republicans declared an investigative onslaught against a president instead of doing their jobs? Seems like they have been doing pretty well since Obama left office, the economy is doing well which is their primary job along with defense.


Their primary job is to represent "We the People",not Corporate America.
Not give tax cuts to the richest people in the history of the world.
The economy is good for the rich,not for working class Americans.
One major congressional responsibility is oversight. If republicans failed to do this, then its let up to the Democrats. They are doing a fin job within the limits allowed them.

There is oversight which is what the Mueller investigation is about, and then there is pure vindictiveness which is what the Democrats are all about. You lefties just can't let go of Hillary losing.
There is oversight which is what the Mueller investigation is about, and then there is pure vindictiveness which is what the Democrats are all about. You lefties just can't let go of Hillary losing.

A major job of Congress is oversight, if you dont under stand that, go fuck yourself. Mueller is not involved in oversight, its way past that. now he is all about prosecuting.
A major job of Congress is oversight, if you dont under stand that, go fuck yourself. Mueller is not involved in oversight, its way past that. now he is all about prosecuting.

Very eloquent twit! "After Watergate, Congress passed the Independent Counsel Act, which created a supercharged independent prosecutor who acted in many ways outside of the Justice Department and with little oversight.
Very eloquent twit! "After Watergate, Congress passed the Independent Counsel Act, which created a supercharged independent prosecutor who acted in many ways outside of the Justice Department and with little oversight.

Maybe thats just why Congress has oversight on the executive branch