Democrats Hoping to Deceive & Suppress Christian Voters

Naw, they are hoping The Christian voters will see the truth of how the repubs have been using them.
Many have already turned away from the repubs. Articles like that are just desperate attempts to fool them into coming back into the Repub fold.
it is amazing that this article speaks of christian values as they promote a limbaugh book at the bottom of their page....

the RR writing this article is MORALLY far as most abiding NON partisan, christians is sad that this group of RR have been deceived and lead down the path of the ''great deceiver''....but they asked for it, by mixing themselves with CORRUPTION....Made them corrupt themselves....dancing with the devil in the moonlight....imo, God has shown them, they've been duped....take it for what it's worth, and change course....repent!
Hey, Christian voters are far too easy to deceive. The R's have proven that, beyond question. It's kind of like mounting the head of a pet hamster on your wall as a trophy: it's just not sporting.
Maine always with a personal attack.............

Dems hoping outing a fag in the republican party will make Christians stay home.
Didn't read it. The second I saw "" I said to myself, "Well, why in the hell would I read a website full of lies, deceit and nonsense? I'd rather read something intelligent."

El Oh El. You went grave digging to claim you didn't read an article?