Democrats Need A Bigger Clown Car


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Joe Biden is running. The former vice president will make his candidacy official with a video announcement next Wednesday, according to people familiar with the discussions who have been told about them by top aides.

Regardless of which clown gets the nominations in 2020 it is the Democrat Party’s last meal at the public trough:


I don't see Joe Biden as a clown.

Nor do I see any other Republican or Democrat running for president this time or last time as a clown- EXCEPT DONALD TRUMP!

In fact, Donald Trump and his Clowns he personally selected, who are now shitting in- and on the White House, are the only clowns I see.

It's like watching a clown circus shit show!
Regardless of which clown gets the nominations in 2020 it is the Democrat Party’s last meal at the public trough:

Here come the Democratic nobles on parade
By Wesley Pruden
Monday, June 24, 2019

Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reports that the Entry Of The Gladiators will be playing when Democrats come on stage:

I wonder who the DNC is paying royalties to for using Julius Fucik's music?

p.s. The 2020 Democrat debates will always be remembered as the Fuck-it Debates.