APP - Democrats once blamed Comey; now they're defending him


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Starting with Hillary Clinton herself, Democrats have blamed James Comey for her loss to President Donald Trump. And yet when Trump fired the FBI director, those same Democrats rushed to defend him.

"Twilight zone," Clinton's campaign manager Robby Mook wrote on Twitter. "I was as disappointed and frustrated as anyone at how the email investigation was handled. But this terrifies me."

Behind the apparent Democratic turnabout on Comey: While his pronouncements about his probe into Clinton's handling of emails infuriated them, he's also the man who'd been looking into whether Trump's campaign had colluded with Russians. That left many blasting the firing as an abuse of power, even if as they did not quibble with the reasons the White House put forward as cause.

Comey "inflicted severe damage on the institution of the FBI," said Brian Fallon, the Clinton campaign's press secretary, an interview. Still, he said, the timing and manner of his dismissal suggests Trump was "feeling the heat on the ongoing Russia investigation" rather than executing "a well-thought-out response to the inappropriate handling of the Clinton investigation."

Aren't they just precious?
No one is defending Comey over his errors, the point is why now, not why. Trump praised him during his election BS rallies for his rabid groupies, now he fires him? Made no sense, of course sense and truth and Trump are incompatible.

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
No one is defending Comey over his errors, the point is why now, not why. Trump praised him during his election BS rallies for his rabid groupies, now he fires him? Made no sense, of course sense and truth and Trump are incompatible.

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
Uh-uh. YOUR question is "why now". The real question actually is why. And Levin probably has the best take on it:
The Wash Examiner is pretty close to what is defined as fake news. Lots of assumptions and you know what the word includes. It is amazing how the right wing in America is played by big money, check out who owns and operates the paper. They sure play you.

And why would Pres Obama even want to fire him? Over political nonsense and Hillary's email? Surely not for the FBI has a right in our constitutional system to investigate. Comey made mistakes, but if we fired everyone who made a mistake there'd be no one left.

Trump has already given the reasons he fired Trump and it was over Russia. Didn't you find it a bit funny that our president behind closed doors was meeting with Russian dignitaries? You may not have as you may just be a Trump Groupie. Are you a groupie? Read some real journalism for a change, you may then be able to think on your own?


Trump is an amazing liar.

"We were concerned that, given his “straightforward” or "outsider" presentation and charisma, he would appeal to people who were unaware of the dangers of his obvious narcissistic personality type, and the offensive behaviors that can accompany it. These behaviors include but are not limited to condescension, gross exaggeration (lying), bullying, jealousy, fragile self-esteem, lack of compassion, and viewing the world as Us-vs.-Them. Having observed the schoolyard-bully tactics Trump employed during public debates, as well as his boasting presentation during interviews, we felt it was important to raise awareness about his behaviors. So in January 2016, we posted Bullies: An Exploration Into Different Types of Bullies."

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
And the plot thickens....

'The great British Brexit robbery: how our democracy was hijacked' by Carole Cadwalladr

"For the last month, I’ve been writing about the links between the British right, the Trump administration and the European right. And these links lead to Russia from multiple directions. Between Nigel Farage and Donald Trump and Cambridge Analytica."

"A shadowy global operation involving big data, billionaire friends of Trump and the disparate forces of the Leave campaign influenced the result of the EU referendum. As Britain heads to the polls again, is our electoral process still fit for purpose?""

"There are three strands to this story. How the foundations of an authoritarian surveillance state are being laid in the US. How British democracy was subverted through a covert, far-reaching plan of coordination enabled by a US billionaire. And how we are in the midst of a massive land grab for power by billionaires via our data. Data which is being silently amassed, harvested and stored. Whoever owns this data owns the future.

My entry point into this story began, as so many things do, with a late-night Google. Last December, I took an unsettling tumble into a wormhole of Google autocomplete suggestions that ended with “did the holocaust happen”. And an entire page of results that claimed it didn’t."
LOL I laughed at the circle jerk thread between USFREEDOM911 and I Love America, what are they girls? No offense meant women, but come on guys, you censor and ban and wonder why we on the left laugh, grow up and face the music or stay in bed.

On Topic:

Trump groupies are so fascinating, every other sentence is a lie or distortion but that's OK with them because he pretends to hate the same groups or media sources. The conservative's demonization of media began long ago, and as Goebbels said so often, tell a lie over and over again and they believe. Trump said why he fired Comey, it was over the Russian investigation. Or was he lying then too? Is Qball a bot? Who knows, there is plenty of information thankfully in our media to know fact from fiction. One of those things is Trump is playing a game with American values and it behooves all to pay attention. He is certainly not a smart man but that is his danger as he knows the salesman's lie.

Trump: Officials say no Russia collusion

"Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will." Joseph Goebbels

Trump groupies will of course follow and cheer, for others see links.

"The rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious." Joseph Goebbels
LOL I laughed at the circle jerk thread between USFREEDOM911 and I Love America, what are they girls? No offense meant women, but come on guys, you censor and ban and wonder why we on the left laugh, grow up and face the music or stay in bed.

On Topic:
Let's just try to keep that way, shall we? APP IS a higher standard. ;)
The Wash Examiner is pretty close to what is defined as fake news. Lots of assumptions and you know what the word includes. It is amazing how the right wing in America is played by big money, check out who owns and operates the paper. They sure play you.
What does the Washington Examiner have to do with this thread? Or were you just trying to crush my hopes by making a pointless observation?

The subject is why democrats did an about face on Comey. Let's stick with that one. ;)

And why would Pres Obama even want to fire him? Over political nonsense and Hillary's email? Surely not for the FBI has a right in our constitutional system to investigate.
Did you not read the Examiner article?

Comey made mistakes, but if we fired everyone who made a mistake there'd be no one left.
I see, so let's not fire anyone for their mistakes because there won't be anyone left? What kind of fuzzy logic is that?

Trump has already given the reasons he fired Trump and it was over Russia. Didn't you find it a bit funny that our president behind closed doors was meeting with Russian dignitaries? You may not have as you may just be a Trump Groupie. Are you a groupie? Read some real journalism for a change, you may then be able to think on your own?
Levin elaborated on why Comey had to go. Did you not read the Examiner article? How about you turn your nose down for a second and read the article. It'll help curb the notion that you're being a pompous you know what. ;)


Trump is an amazing liar.

"We were concerned that, given his “straightforward” or "outsider" presentation and charisma, he would appeal to people who were unaware of the dangers of his obvious narcissistic personality type, and the offensive behaviors that can accompany it. These behaviors include but are not limited to condescension, gross exaggeration (lying), bullying, jealousy, fragile self-esteem, lack of compassion, and viewing the world as Us-vs.-Them. Having observed the schoolyard-bully tactics Trump employed during public debates, as well as his boasting presentation during interviews, we felt it was important to raise awareness about his behaviors. So in January 2016, we posted Bullies: An Exploration Into Different Types of Bullies."

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
Trump is no less of a liar than any democrat that has filled the same seat. Unless you want to turn this into a democrat liar versus a Republican liar, I suggest you abandon this path of argument. ;)
What does the Washington Examiner have to do with this thread? Or were you just trying to crush my hopes by making a pointless observation?

The subject is why democrats did an about face on Comey. Let's stick with that one....

I find it funny how the right parses each sentence as if doing so makes a better point. The Wash Exam is crap plain and simple, it is right wing corporate money controlling the minds of its followers - you for instance.

The democrats did no about face they simply recognize that in our system of checks and balances firing someone because he is investigating you is un-American. Is that so hard to understand. Seems so. Comey did screw up the Hillary email 'made up scandal' and that is obvious, but that made Trump happy and helped him. Now that Trump sees he can't control our government he does stupid stuff and the right wing apologizes for him. As he would say, Sad!

"After the FBI director sent his letter to Congress, on Oct. 28, about the discovery of new Clinton emails and the Bureau’s plans to assess them, Trump praised Comey for his “guts” and called the news “bigger than Watergate.” "

and Comey email screw up:

"The rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious." Joseph Goebbels
I see I Love and Teflon Don don't believe in our First Amendment as they continue to censor and control speech, this is the typical fascist response to knowledge that doesn't fit into their ideology. As Trump would say, sad.

A few interesting articles below. Contacts with Russia and why Trump lies.

"Trump’s campaign rhetoric pumped out endless streams of comedy and melodrama, apocalypse and deliverance, bitterness and bullshit. To some, it was enthrallingly frank. To others, Trump’s victory did not merely subvert America’s core values, it shattered their worldview. The codes more than half the nation devised to interpret the world, the channels they carved to divert the flow of incompatible ideas, collapsed. For these Americans, reality itself seemed threatened."

" It’s become standard for reports coming from the inside of the White House to acknowledge, slyly at first but now overtly, that Trump is in constant need of managing. He believes false reports and refuses to read truthful ones. He lashes out at anyone who hasn’t lied for him adequately. There are now entire reports devoted to his rage, his anger, his madness and his inability to accept responsibility."

Two short books for those who still support the Americans values of free and open speech.

"On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century" by Timothy Snyder

"The Trouble with Reality: A Rumination on Moral Panic in Our Time" by Brooke Gladstone

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over." Joseph Goebbels
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Starting with Hillary Clinton herself, Democrats have blamed James Comey for her loss to President Donald Trump. And yet when Trump fired the FBI director, those same Democrats rushed to defend him.

"Twilight zone," Clinton's campaign manager Robby Mook wrote on Twitter. "I was as disappointed and frustrated as anyone at how the email investigation was handled. But this terrifies me."

Behind the apparent Democratic turnabout on Comey: While his pronouncements about his probe into Clinton's handling of emails infuriated them, he's also the man who'd been looking into whether Trump's campaign had colluded with Russians. That left many blasting the firing as an abuse of power, even if as they did not quibble with the reasons the White House put forward as cause.

Comey "inflicted severe damage on the institution of the FBI," said Brian Fallon, the Clinton campaign's press secretary, an interview. Still, he said, the timing and manner of his dismissal suggests Trump was "feeling the heat on the ongoing Russia investigation" rather than executing "a well-thought-out response to the inappropriate handling of the Clinton investigation."

Aren't they just precious?

They blames Comey for a reversal on Hillary and announcing investigations of her just weeks before the vote. In this case he was fired by Trump because he was investigating Trump for coordinating with the Russians to attack Hillary so he could win. The reactions of Democrats to these events are very rational. What don't you get? Too much nuance for you?
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Starting with Hillary Clinton herself, Democrats have blamed James Comey for her loss to President Donald Trump. And yet when Trump fired the FBI director, those same Democrats rushed to defend him.

"Twilight zone," Clinton's campaign manager Robby Mook wrote on Twitter. "I was as disappointed and frustrated as anyone at how the email investigation was handled. But this terrifies me."

Behind the apparent Democratic turnabout on Comey: While his pronouncements about his probe into Clinton's handling of emails infuriated them, he's also the man who'd been looking into whether Trump's campaign had colluded with Russians. That left many blasting the firing as an abuse of power, even if as they did not quibble with the reasons the White House put forward as cause.

Comey "inflicted severe damage on the institution of the FBI," said Brian Fallon, the Clinton campaign's press secretary, an interview. Still, he said, the timing and manner of his dismissal suggests Trump was "feeling the heat on the ongoing Russia investigation" rather than executing "a well-thought-out response to the inappropriate handling of the Clinton investigation."

Aren't they just precious?

They blamed Comey for a reversal on Hillary and announcing investigations of her just weeks before the vote. In this case he was fired by Trump because he was investigating Trump for coordinating with the Russians to attack Hillary so he could win. The reactions of Democrats to these events are very rational. What don't you get?
I find it funny how the right parses each sentence as if doing so makes a better point.
I don't. I find it tedious. But this is what has to be done when dealing with the Left. You see, when a leftist speaks, there's zero accountability for his words. It is because of this that we Conservatives have to roll up our sleeves and expose the errors.

The Wash Exam is crap plain and simple, it is right wing corporate money controlling the minds of its followers - you for instance.
Thus sayeth the leftist. You speak as if your opinion matters lol.

The Examiner is quoting Mark Levin, and Levin is one of my favorite sources for Conservative thought. If you have an issue with the source of this material then SHOW me it's crap. Don't just tell me. lol.

The democrats did no about face they simply recognize that in our system of checks and balances firing someone because he is investigating you is un-American.
In your mind, anything that doesn't jibe with your program is un-American, so you're going to have to come up with more than that. What evidence do you have that Comey had enough on Trump to move forward with an Investigation?

Is that so hard to understand. Seems so.
Nope. It's quite simple when you think about it. Your side is pissed off that Hillary lost the election, and you want to blame Trump for her loss. Comey was bad for announcing an investigation on Hillary, and he was good when he announced the same for Trump.

Comey did screw up the Hillary email 'made up scandal' and that is obvious, but that made Trump happy and helped him. Now that Trump sees he can't control our government he does stupid stuff and the right wing apologizes for him. As he would say, Sad!
Trump fired Comey for his incompetence. Yes, the timing wasn't the best, but that doesn't change the fact that he had to go.

"After the FBI director sent his letter to Congress, on Oct. 28, about the discovery of new Clinton emails and the Bureau’s plans to assess them, Trump praised Comey for his “guts” and called the news “bigger than Watergate.” "

and Comey email screw up:
Trump gave praise where it was due, and he gave a pink slip where it was due. What's the problem?

"The rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious." Joseph Goebbels
And this couldn't be more relevant when it comes to the Left.

Thank you for your insight, Midcan ;)
Weird how the right finds it necessary to reply to every sentence. A pretend explanation that bores with little substance. For the interested reader the topic is covered in 'The Destruction of Hillary Clinton' by Susan Bordo. An excellent read.

PS Mark Levin is a paid mouthpiece for money not America, amazing how many of these Judas there are in America. see who pays here: