Democrats Out-Number Republicans by 15 Points. Great Graphic!

Its all about turnout. Generic polls don't mean much. If Dixie and the rest of the theocratic wingnuts go out in force to vote for - and endorse - republican failure, they'll probably hold the senate and house.

On the other hand, if there's a 15 point generic Dem advantage, and the Dems don't at least pick up some seats, I want the e-voting machines audited.....Bush called for a do-over in the ukraine election, when the polls were wildly different from the results.
In Dade County in the recent primary they went to the polling places and just compared the number of people who signed the voters rolls and voted with the total number of votes cast and in over 75 % of the precincts the two numbers did not match. Generally those numbers should balance just like a check book. In other words the number of votes cast should be equal to the number of people who signed in and voted. But in over 75 % of the presincts these numbers were not equal to each other. That's what I am talking about!!!
Its all about turnout. Generic polls don't mean much. If Dixie and the rest of the theocratic wingnuts go out in force to vote for - and endorse - republican failure, they'll probably hold the senate and house.

On the other hand, if there's a 15 point generic Dem advantage, and the Dems don't at least pick up some seats, I want the e-voting machines audited.....Bush called for a do-over in the ukraine election, when the polls were wildly different from the results.

It's quite possible for the party with the most votes to get fewer seats, and happens often in American politics. At least, however, we have two parties that at least get close to the 50% margin whenever they win a "majority". In most countires that use are system parties often win a "majority" with 20-30% of the vote. Also, the polls ALWAYS show a large advantage for the Democrats in the congressional elections which the actual elections fail to show.
Then too, the repubs have been very active in gerrymandering districts for some time. that will be a factor.
Then too, the repubs have been very active in gerrymandering districts for some time. that will be a factor.

Yes, the districts are currently gerrymandered to favor Republicans, that is a very large factor. The Republicans gerrymandered six in Texas, and I believe California's is slightly rigged. So in 2004, despite a 5% increase in the Democratic vote, they lost seats.
Possible repeat of '94? Maybe, but I think the problem is that in the last 12 years, the parties in power have made it harder for your vote to matter. Like Water says, Gerrymandering (huge), pork benefitting certain districts, veritible tenure by those in power through chairs and committees, connections....

Frankly, I hope the (D)ouche party wins the congress to slow down the pace of the absolute idiocy taking place.
Yes, the districts are currently gerrymandered to favor Republicans, that is a very large factor. The Republicans gerrymandered six in Texas, and I believe California's is slightly rigged. So in 2004, despite a 5% increase in the Democratic vote, they lost seats.
While I lived in FK the Repubs gerrymandered one district that wound up looking like a very long crawling snake.
Possible repeat of '94? Maybe, but I think the problem is that in the last 12 years, the parties in power have made it harder for your vote to matter. Like Water says, Gerrymandering (huge), pork benefitting certain districts, veritible tenure by those in power through chairs and committees, connections....

Frankly, I hope the (D)ouche party wins the congress to slow down the pace of the absolute idiocy taking place.
I agree. In fact, the politicians -- both Republican and Democratic -- have worked tirelessly to make a repeat of '94 far less likely. They dislike unpredicatble elections intensely.

It's all about class, my friends. Always has been and always will be. Professional politicians are drawn from the elite classes by an astonishingly wide margin.
Perhpas one reason why we have never had a labor leader make the transition from leading a labor group to leading in one of the major political party. It is no coincidence that Bush and Kerry both belonged to the Skull and Bones.
The house was supposed to be the part of congress most responsible to the people. Now it's probably the least responsible. Not that having certain members who don't always have to abide by the majority is a bad thing, but there should at least be a part of congress that represents the people.

The state legislatures basically appoint the house members whenever htey draw the districts... they look at the districts and say "this is a black democrat district", and "this is a Republican district". What about the white people in the black district? What about the Democrats in the Republican district? Where did they go?
Perhpas one reason why we have never had a labor leader make the transition from leading a labor group to leading in one of the major political party. It is no coincidence that Bush and Kerry both belonged to the Skull and Bones.

We never had a labor group lead one of the parties because America doesn't like labour groups that much. We tolerate them. But we don't encourage them, either.