Democrats Pledge to NOT use any campaign info obtained by hackers.


In Yo Face!
[h=1]Let's not let this get lost in the deluge of "breaking news": the Democratic Party has offered to pledge NOT to use any campaign info obtained by hackers in the 2018 midterm elections; the Republicans refuse to make a similar pledge.[/h]
Read that again. It ain't complicated, folks.

One party seeks to discourage foreign powers from interfering with our elections; the other seeks to encourage them.

EVERY GOP candidate should be smacked in the face with this each time they venture out on the campaign trail. If they refuse to condemn their party's acquiescence in foreign meddling, the follow up question should be "Isn't that a lot like treason?"
The Repubs are for gerrymandering and voter suppression too. They just do not care. No cheating bothers them if it is to their advantage. The Repubs will announce to the Russians to get back on the horse. Start your hacking engines. You're back to work .