Democrats Seek The Truth In A Liar


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Calling Republican presidents liars started with President Eisenhower:

NOTE: FDR’s fair-haired boy, Alger Hiss, presided as acting secretary-general at the U.N. Conference in San Francisco in 1945. That should tell everyone everything they need to know about Democrats and the U.N.

Instead of Democrats openly defending Hiss in their first attempt to whitewash his crime the Party of Liars called President Eisenhower a liar over the U-2 Spy Plane Affair. (Ike did not lie to the American people. He lied to the Russians to protect this country. Democrats lie to betray the country)

Bill Clinton was a serial liar who was never exonerated.

Barack Obama remains the biggest lying sack of shit that ever sat in the White House.

NOTE: Richard Nixon does not count as a liar because of hiding dirty tricks, and the liars at the Washington Post.

You would think that by now the Party of Liars would have learned how to come up with a believable witness to tell their lies. Instead of finding a man with a decent reputation, they called up an admitted liar to prove a Republican president is a liar.

Cohen admits he has no evidence Trump colluded with Russians, 'but I have my suspicions'
By Bailey Vogt and Jeff Mordock
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

It was never about collusion, it was always about putting the liar label on Trump in order to balance the books for Alger Hiss, Bill Clinton, and the Chicago sewer rat. Even the House impeaching Trump is designed by Democrat planners to put the stigma of liar on a Republican president because they know it will never see a Senate trial. In short: Trump was made to order because establishment Republicans are cooperating with Democrats short of impeaching him.

Lying is standard fare for congressional Democrats so I am not surprised by anything they say. Nor am I surprised by Elijah Cummings:

Cummings has long-been the dumbest man in the House. He does not have to open his mouth. One has only to look at his face to see the stupidity dripping out of every pore. He is so dumb he believed that the American people believed him when he said “Hillary Clinton never did a wrong thing in Benghazi.” Clinton might not have issued the stand down order that abandoned Americans under attack, but she was up to her neck in everything else.

. . . Democrat, Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, blasted the investigation as a "political charade" that has so far cost American taxpayers $3 million and is being "dragged out in order to attack" former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is seeking her party's 2016 presidential nomination.


"Despite its focus on Secretary Clinton," Cummings concluded, "the select committee has identified no evidence to support claims that Secretary Clinton ordered a stand-down, approved an illicit weapons program, or any other wild allegation Republicans have made about her for years."

Trey Gowdy: Obama 'Greatest Impediment' to Benghazi Probe
Friday, 08 May 2015 04:53 PM
By Todd Beamon

I guess no one told the dummy there was more evidence against Hillary Clinton than there is against Donald Trump. Or maybe single digit IQ Elijah Cummings simply does not know the difference between identified evidence and stonewalling every attempt to uncover evidence.

Elijah Cummings was Pelosi’s demolition expert the first time she was speaker. Cummings got dumber since then if that is possible. Cummings is a stupid man; a clown best known for outlandish statements and obstructionist tactics. Had Nutso Nancy been more truthful this time out she would have dressed him for the gig in white face:


Whatever stunt Cummings pulls to vindicate Cohen’s lies in pursuit of Trump, I suspect that he and Nutso Nancy are counting on the media to make committee Democrats look like they were seeking the truth. In Democrat-world you get the truth from liars like Michael Cohen. That alone should tell you what they are after.

Finally, the Democrat Party has long-been the party of black Americans. Considering how the lies their elected officials tell are backfiring it is fair to say it will not be long before every black American is seen as a liar.
Did you suck this goofball propaganda directly out of Trump's asshole or was it filtered through Stormfront first?

Fucking nonsense.
Top Dem Calls Benghazi Chair A Liar, Demands He Apologize To Hillary
Christian Datoc
12:46 PM 10/18/2015

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her retarded sisters are genuses compared to Elijah Cummings who has been dumber a lot longer:

Cummings has long-been the dumbest man in the House. He does not have to open his mouth. One has only to look at his face to see the stupidity dripping out of every pore. He is so dumb he believed that the American people believed him when he said “Hillary Clinton never did a wrong thing in Benghazi.” Clinton might not have issued the stand down order that abandoned Americans under attack, but she was up to her neck in everything else.


Elijah Cummings was Pelosi’s demolition expert the first time she was speaker. Cummings got dumber since then if that is possible. Cummings is a stupid man; a clown best known for outlandish statements and obstructionist tactics. Had Nutso Nancy been more truthful this time out she would have dressed him for the gig in white face:

Whatever stunt single digit IQ, Elijah Cummings, is pulling with the children he and Pelosi count on television reporting it like the Democrats are the ones trying to get truthful answers to questions. In the strange world of Democrat Cuckooland the questions are lies.

Now comes the dumbbell playing the morality card:

Democrats' border-crisis hypocrisy exposed
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 07/19/2019 @ 2:59 pm

If I was ever questioned by Cummings, or by any Democrat, I would walk out after I told them: “I will return after you learn to talk to me in a civil tone of voice you goddamned filthy piece of garbage.”

Aside from the children Democrats kill with their no-borders policies, aside from killing American children by knowingly importing infectious diseases, Democrats pay Planned Parenthood tax dollars to slaughter children in the millions. Nothing in the Democrats Party’s Culture of Death prevents a butcher from trotting out the “CHILDREN” in order to take the spotlight off his corruption:

A watchdog group is asking the Maryland attorney general to investigate whether Rep. Elijah Cummings and his wife used a charity for improper self-enrichment, according to a copy of the complaint obtained by the Washington Examiner.

Charity run by wife of Elijah Cummings incurs new ethics complaint
by Alana Goodman
July 16, 2019 12:00 AM

I will never understand why voters elect and reelect filth like Cummings. Black voters in his district voting for a guy who advocates killing millions of black children in the womb boggles the mind.

Finally, there is never a shortage of hate-filled parasites in every culture, while handing them the authority to govern this country is relatively new. I am not sure if that American phenomenon is a combination of the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment, the Civil Rights Movement, and television. Regardless of why hatred became entrenched so quickly it is clear that Democrat women and black race hustlers exercising extraordinary government influence are out of control.
Flanders is using the red playbook. Attack a person at their strengths. This is like the swiftboating of Kerry. He was a real military hero who was in combat. The Reds attacked that with crazy people who were willing to testify to the opposite of the facts.

We all know that Trump lies as he exhales. He has no value for the truth and facts. If he thinks something helps him he says it with no regrets. He calls that winning.
There is no dispute that Trump lies like no politician in recorded American history. So the plan of attack is claim all the Dems who preceded him were the dishonest ones and lied terribly. Say Trump is the opposite of what he is and with rightys, you win. Rightys have been conned into accepting whatever nonsense escapes Trump's foodhole. Flanders knows the technique Trump relies upon.
If you cant refute, attack the messenger

It's so fucking stupid it's not even worth refuting.

More satisfying to call ridiculous right-wing drool buckets, like the starter of this thread, what they really are.
Flanders says black is white, right is wrong and facts are not to be trusted. He makes up aa ridiculous thread and I suspect he knows better. I wonder if he gets paid in rubles?
We all know who the liar in chief is. We know that Obama had no scandals. Trump has amassed a mighty record of them. He has fired thieves when forced to. Others had to resign. He has had to withdraw nominations because they were too ridiculous to pass. He has a kleptocracy in action. He has no vetting policy, just trusts his large gut.
Is this what you idiots voted for? Is this what you want?
Trump is incompetent and a crook. It shows.