APP - Democrats should really temper their enthusiasm

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Yes they are winning seats as is to be expected and as happened consistently the last 50 years with the exception of President Bush in 2002

But, let's say that the democrat party wins back the House of Representatives in 2018. So what? What changes politically?

Sure they can pass bills, but it is unlikely much would pass the US Senate as I haven't seen anything that would indicate that the democrat party is going to win the US Senate and recent polls suggest they could lose five seats.

But, even if the democrat party has the wave they think is coming and take back the Senate, they won't have 60 votes to pass anything and there is still President Trump's veto

Now about the only thing that the democrat party would really be able to do with the House of Representatives is launch investigations and push for impeachment. While that would make the JPP democrat party loyalists extremely happy, it would be a dangerous thing to do absent some MAJOR crime from Mueller and "obstruction of justice" just won't do it. For one like Clinton even if the House did it on a partisan basis, it would be unlikely to pass the US Senate and Trump remains in office. If past is prologue, the democrat party would pay a big price if their first act when regaining control of the House is to try to impeach President Trump.

We have seen this game before. The democrats realize that the country isn't as left wing as their base and find candidates like Conor Lamb who are pretty vanilla and use them to gain the majority and then try to push their left wing agenda. It always backfires on them.

So while it is more than likely that the democrat party will retake the House of Representatives in 2018, it is highly unlikely that anything will fundamentally change. Now, I know that the left wingers on JPP will claim that this is political spin to try to negate Lamb's win, but it is a political reality.

The democrat party has experience some serious losses since 2010 so I understand their desire to exaggerate any and every political win. It is what the republican party did when they regained power.

But our political realities are thus. We are a 50-50 nation right now and there isn't much that is going to change that any time soon. The party in power becomes complacent and the party out of power becomes energized. I suspect we will continue to see these types of political swings for the foreseeable future.

My only hope is that the GOP maintains the US Senate and Ginsberg dies and Kennedy retires giving President Trump two people to stack the US Supreme Court. If that happens, then I am less concerned about the who controls the House of Representatives every two years as there will be a conservative check on their unrestrained power.

I have also been hoping for legislative gains at the State level to trigger a Constitutional Convention, but that appears unlikely any time soon