Democrats Showed They Are A Party Of Liars


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In Hiding Biden’s Decline, Democrats Showed They Are A Party Of Liars​

When the Watergate scandal was roiling a half-century ago, we were told the cover-up was worse than the crime. There was no crime – that we currently know of – in keeping President Joe Biden’s cognitive infirmity hidden from the public. But the cover-up shows that the Democratic Party is made up of liars who have the chutzpah, though maybe not quite the skill, of Soviet propagandists.

Up until the June 27 debate with Donald Trump, the Democrats and their media division kept assuring us that Biden was fine. While his inner circle insisted that he was fit right up to the point that he dropped out of the race Sunday, others in his party and much of the press began to turn on him before the debate was over. At the same time, they tried to convince the country that they didn’t know that Biden’s condition had deteriorated so severely.

But they knew.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was maybe the worst offender. Last fall, she said she “would put the president’s stamina, the president’s wisdom, ability to get this done on behalf of the American people, against anyone” – “anyone, on any day of the week.”

A fews months earlier, she said it was “hard for us to keep up with this president.” Then a couple of weeks ago, she admitted to “giving false information about” a neurologist seeing Biden at the White House.
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Sort of like hiding an affair with a porn star. Or hiding your tax returns, or .......

Yes, I think the administration deceived people, and I have no problem with calling them out for it. You on the other hand are a massive hypocritical fuck. Too stupid to recognize it. How sad for you.
the entire swamp is like this

sort of like how the day after he resigned the DOJ finds some evidence on his classified info stuff.

just a coincidence I'm sure. ~rolls eyes
You lefties sure have "crashed the servers" with regard to all the stupid shit y'all have said this month. I can't even keep up with it all, though I'm trying my best for the "awards ceremony" at the end of the month. Anyway, on to your stupidity-filled post that may very well earn you a "third place" trophy in the consolation bracket... I feel bad for Geeko though. He was doing SOOOO well at the beginning of the month, but has now been pushed down to mere participation trophies... Oh well:
The Dems would not have thrown in with Joe if they believed he could not do the job.
Biden's job of being a one-term disposable empty vessel of a Chief Puppet has been accomplished. "The job" is finished. Onward, libtard NPCs!!! It's KAMALA TIME NOW, BABY!!!!!! (for a few months, anyway).
Biden's physicals have always been released to the voters.
Yup, and his doctor has lied in every single one of his 'health updates' for Biden. His latest one was claiming that Biden is in great health and recovering wonderfully from COVID, and that he's pumped 10 doses of Paxlovid into Biden's system.

In truth, Biden is currently in rather poor health, and per the interview that I heard with Biden's younger brother, it sounds as if Biden might be on his "last leg". Nobody says the phrase "enjoy whatever time we have left" unless that person is thought to be 'dying' (IOW, a rapid decline in health).

Biden's doctor is releasing letters stating that Biden is in "tip top shape", meanwhile Biden's brother is making it sound like Biden is in much worse shape than what his doctor has let on. Let's just say that my own eyes/ears lead me to believe Biden's brother.
Trump's never have.
This is a blatant lie.
He has not released the hospital records for his ear scratch.
Stop trying to trivialize an assassination attempt as an "ear scratch". Only a total piece of shit of a human being would do such a thing.

BTW, Trump's doctor HAS provided an update on his GUNSHOT wound.
Then why is Biden's own brother making use of the language "... to spend together whatever time we have left"?? That doesn't sound to me like a description of a person who is "fine".
It could be that Biden's brother just wants to spend the next few years with his brother enjoying the fruits of ill gotten millions the family has raked in.
Oh put your skirt down, sweetheart! Another one of your MAGA mooks posted similar BS. Here's how I put them in their place, as it fits you nicely:


In Hiding Biden’s Decline, Democrats Showed They Are A Party Of Liars​

When the Watergate scandal was roiling a half-century ago, we were told the cover-up was worse than the crime. There was no crime – that we currently know of – in keeping President Joe Biden’s cognitive infirmity hidden from the public. But the cover-up shows that the Democratic Party is made up of liars who have the chutzpah, though maybe not quite the skill, of Soviet propagandists.

Up until the June 27 debate with Donald Trump, the Democrats and their media division kept assuring us that Biden was fine. While his inner circle insisted that he was fit right up to the point that he dropped out of the race Sunday, others in his party and much of the press began to turn on him before the debate was over. At the same time, they tried to convince the country that they didn’t know that Biden’s condition had deteriorated so severely.

But they knew.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was maybe the worst offender. Last fall, she said she “would put the president’s stamina, the president’s wisdom, ability to get this done on behalf of the American people, against anyone” – “anyone, on any day of the week.”

A fews months earlier, she said it was “hard for us to keep up with this president.” Then a couple of weeks ago, she admitted to “giving false information about” a neurologist seeing Biden at the White House.
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Filthy liars
White house doctor confirmed he is fine several times. This belongs in conspiracy lie 90 % of your threads. Next
In fact, he dug out Jackson to lie about his health again. Jackson is in Congress, yet took time to lie about Trump's health again. Jackson cheapened the position of white house doctor forever.
There were doctors in the hospital who dealt with Trump's scratch. They are in dungeons or had to sign nondisclosures. They were there, yet you do not hear from them.
When the previous president got shot, the doctors who treated them were giving info to the people. Trump never allows that. When he was in the hospital for Covid, he controlled the news completely.
Trump has a lot to hide.