Democrats Trying To Get 'Ahead' of the Surge


Not So Junior Member
I was hearing the same on the news shows this a.m. Notice the remark, '...regardless of how primary voters feel...' Llinks, the primary one being the NY Times:

Surrender Is As Surrender Does

Surrender enthusiasts may finally be surrendering. Dem candidates say getting out of Iraq may take years:

John Edwards, the former North Carolina senator, would keep troops in the region to intervene in an Iraqi genocide and be prepared for military action if violence spills into other countries. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York would leave residual forces to fight terrorism and to stabilize the Kurdish region in the north. And Senator Barack Obama of Illinois would leave a military presence of as-yet unspecified size in Iraq to provide security for American personnel, fight terrorism and train Iraqis.
This think piece from the NYT would appear to be part of the growing campaign to get on the right side of this war and support a Democratic congressional surrender in September. They have finally figured out they can’t pull the rug out from under the troops in the field, particularly when they are winning. Now, they need to make it look like it was their idea. They being the candidates, NYT, etc. There isn’t much time:

These positions and those of some rivals suggest that the Democratic bumper-sticker message of a quick end to the conflict — however much it appeals to primary voters — oversimplifies the problems likely to be inherited by the next commander in chief.​

No kidding! But then there’s this weird sentence:

Antiwar advocates have raised little challenge to such positions by Democrats.
NYT, meet Cindy Sheehan. Also, these uninhibited old bats. This really is a fascinating article. Let’s keep reading:

They have finally figured out they can’t pull the rug out from under the troops in the field, particularly when they are winning.

Just about says everything that need be said about how out of touch with reality you are. The rest of your "analysis" is as equally flawed.

Just about says everything that need be said about how out of touch with reality you are. The rest of your "analysis" is as equally flawed.

Considering that wasn't part of 'my' analysis, I'll wait for more informed opinions. :clink:

Just about says everything that need be said about how out of touch with reality you are. The rest of your "analysis" is as equally flawed.

So democrats aren't caving on their "out now" policy? It seems they are. How exactly is the analysis flawed here? Or are you full of it as usual?
. US troops are not "winning" in Iraq, a fact even acknowledged by Patraeus and the Pentagon. You don't give guns to your enemy if your winning. That act of desperation alone speaks volumes about any perception of "winning."

. It isn't just democrats who are talking about getting out of Iraq, so to assign "surrender" to the democrats demonstrates that the writer is a proponent of the war and a republican. A stroll through his archives validates that and also demonstrates that that he has a twitch in his ass over the New York Times. Even republican leaders like Warner and Lugar are talking of withdrawing from Iraq. Would that also qualify as the writers interpretation of "surrender?" The vast majority of the American people want us out of Iraq, but in the interest of readership, the writer fails to acknowledge that fact.

. Quick and immediate withdrawal never meant the troops would leave Iraq tomorrow. People with brains understood this meant a phased and timely reduction of troops and equipment. The vast majority of Americans who want us out of Iraq understood this as well.

. The writer fails to acknowledge that every democratic proposal he talks about is different than the stay the course lunacy of the Bush Administration and every proposal reduces our presence in Iraq.

. Democrats are positioning themselves with leverage for their inevitable takeover of the White House. They are ensuring that there are no expectations that troops will be coming home the day after whomever wins takes office.

This article is pure partisan politics punditry, nothing more.
I thnk the dems realized the smart political thing to do was to have patience and let the surge fail. Just as most everything else bush has done has.