Democrats Want Socialized Medicine —— Not Healthcare


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Listen closely and you will hear Democrats and their media stooges set the nomenclature for their number one campaign issue:

In 2010 American wanted no part of Obamacare. It was so bad Obama & Co-Conspirators had to lie like hell to get it passed. If there is a new conspiracy it is Nutso Nancy and Upchuck Schumer telling you the public fell in love with socialized medicine.

NOTE: In 2010 two-faced Susan Collins cast the vote that Dirty Harry Reid needed to move the ACA forward. She is once again coming out in favor of socialized medicine.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said she’s “surprised” and “appalled” by the Trump administration’s decision to argue in court that the Affordable Care Act should be thrown out, according to Axios.

Collins told Axios she intended to write to Attorney General William Barr about the Department of Justice’s decision.

Collins 'surprised' and 'appalled' by Trump health care move
By Zack Budryk
03/27/19 01:18 PM EDT

Donald Trump campaigned and won on repealing the ACA. For six years establishment Republicans promised they would repeal Obamacare if voters gave them the majority in both chambers. That was a bigger lie than Democrats told.

Chief Justice John Roberts could have stopped socialized medicine in its tracks. Instead of holding back the tide of creeping Socialism he lied through his teeth and singlehandedly shoved socialized medicine down the public’s throat. When this case gets to the Supreme Court the split will still be four-against-four with Roberts making the final decision.

Trump Administration Says Entire Affordable Care Act Should Be Repealed
March 26, 201912:43 PM ET

Finally, Trump said this less two months ago:

President Trump said the United States will never become a socialist country in his 2019 State of the Union address.

Trump: "America Will Never Be A Socialist Country"; "We Were Born Free And We Will Stay Free"
Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date February 5, 2019

Bottom line: President Trump can keep his promise by NEVER saying HEALTHCARE; he should ALWAYS say “SOCIALIZED MEDICINE.” The president using the accurate term from his bully pulpit will at least tell voters in 2020 that Democrats are campaigning on socialized medicine.
Listen closely and you will hear Democrats and their media stooges set the nomenclature for their number one campaign issue:

In 2010 American wanted no part of Obamacare. It was so bad Obama & Co-Conspirators had to lie like hell to get it passed. If there is a new conspiracy it is Nutso Nancy and Upchuck Schumer telling you the public fell in love with socialized medicine.

NOTE: In 2010 two-faced Susan Collins cast the vote that Dirty Harry Reid needed to move the ACA forward. She is once again coming out in favor of socialized medicine.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said she’s “surprised” and “appalled” by the Trump administration’s decision to argue in court that the Affordable Care Act should be thrown out, according to Axios.

Collins told Axios she intended to write to Attorney General William Barr about the Department of Justice’s decision.

Collins 'surprised' and 'appalled' by Trump health care move
By Zack Budryk
03/27/19 01:18 PM EDT

Donald Trump campaigned and won on repealing the ACA. For six years establishment Republicans promised they would repeal Obamacare if voters gave them the majority in both chambers. That was a bigger lie than Democrats told.

Chief Justice John Roberts could have stopped socialized medicine in its tracks. Instead of holding back the tide of creeping Socialism he lied through his teeth and singlehandedly shoved socialized medicine down the public’s throat. When this case gets to the Supreme Court the split will still be four-against-four with Roberts making the final decision.

Trump Administration Says Entire Affordable Care Act Should Be Repealed
March 26, 201912:43 PM ET

Finally, Trump said this less two months ago:

President Trump said the United States will never become a socialist country in his 2019 State of the Union address.

Trump: "America Will Never Be A Socialist Country"; "We Were Born Free And We Will Stay Free"
Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date February 5, 2019

Bottom line: President Trump can keep his promise by NEVER saying HEALTHCARE; he should ALWAYS say “SOCIALIZED MEDICINE.” The president using the accurate term from his bully pulpit will at least tell voters in 2020 that Democrats are campaigning on socialized medicine.

Single payer-private delivery isn't socialized medicine. The VA hospital system is socialized medicine.

Some Americans are extremely stupid.
Single payer-private delivery isn't socialized medicine. The VA hospital system is socialized medicine.

Some Americans are extremely stupid.

You're just too goddamn stupid to educate, cunt. No wonder your grandchildren perform so poorly in school. Between the poor genetics and the poor upbringing, they didn't stand a chance.
Listen closely and you will hear Democrats and their media stooges set the nomenclature for their number one campaign issue:

In 2010 American wanted no part of Obamacare. It was so bad Obama & Co-Conspirators had to lie like hell to get it passed. If there is a new conspiracy it is Nutso Nancy and Upchuck Schumer telling you the public fell in love with socialized medicine.

NOTE: In 2010 two-faced Susan Collins cast the vote that Dirty Harry Reid needed to move the ACA forward. She is once again coming out in favor of socialized medicine.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said she’s “surprised” and “appalled” by the Trump administration’s decision to argue in court that the Affordable Care Act should be thrown out, according to Axios.

Collins told Axios she intended to write to Attorney General William Barr about the Department of Justice’s decision.

Collins 'surprised' and 'appalled' by Trump health care move
By Zack Budryk
03/27/19 01:18 PM EDT

Donald Trump campaigned and won on repealing the ACA. For six years establishment Republicans promised they would repeal Obamacare if voters gave them the majority in both chambers. That was a bigger lie than Democrats told.

Chief Justice John Roberts could have stopped socialized medicine in its tracks. Instead of holding back the tide of creeping Socialism he lied through his teeth and singlehandedly shoved socialized medicine down the public’s throat. When this case gets to the Supreme Court the split will still be four-against-four with Roberts making the final decision.

Trump Administration Says Entire Affordable Care Act Should Be Repealed
March 26, 201912:43 PM ET

Finally, Trump said this less two months ago:

President Trump said the United States will never become a socialist country in his 2019 State of the Union address.

Trump: "America Will Never Be A Socialist Country"; "We Were Born Free And We Will Stay Free"
Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date February 5, 2019

Bottom line: President Trump can keep his promise by NEVER saying HEALTHCARE; he should ALWAYS say “SOCIALIZED MEDICINE.” The president using the accurate term from his bully pulpit will at least tell voters in 2020 that Democrats are campaigning on socialized medicine.

Actually universal healthcare doesn't necessarily mean socialist medicine. The other 32 developed nations have universal healthcare and many of them have the majority or all of healthcare insurance publicly funded through taxes rather than insurance premiums. But many of them either have a lot of private hospitals or mostly private hospitals. They do have public hospitals but there are still a lot of private healthcare options. These countries also tend to allow private insurance, and more some of them private insurance is suggested because public insurance only covers the basics.
Listen closely and you will hear Democrats and their media stooges set the nomenclature for their number one campaign issue:

In 2010 American wanted no part of Obamacare. It was so bad Obama & Co-Conspirators had to lie like hell to get it passed. If there is a new conspiracy it is Nutso Nancy and Upchuck Schumer telling you the public fell in love with socialized medicine.

NOTE: In 2010 two-faced Susan Collins cast the vote that Dirty Harry Reid needed to move the ACA forward. She is once again coming out in favor of socialized medicine.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said she’s “surprised” and “appalled” by the Trump administration’s decision to argue in court that the Affordable Care Act should be thrown out, according to Axios.

Collins told Axios she intended to write to Attorney General William Barr about the Department of Justice’s decision.

Collins 'surprised' and 'appalled' by Trump health care move
By Zack Budryk
03/27/19 01:18 PM EDT

Donald Trump campaigned and won on repealing the ACA. For six years establishment Republicans promised they would repeal Obamacare if voters gave them the majority in both chambers. That was a bigger lie than Democrats told.

Chief Justice John Roberts could have stopped socialized medicine in its tracks. Instead of holding back the tide of creeping Socialism he lied through his teeth and singlehandedly shoved socialized medicine down the public’s throat. When this case gets to the Supreme Court the split will still be four-against-four with Roberts making the final decision.

Trump Administration Says Entire Affordable Care Act Should Be Repealed
March 26, 201912:43 PM ET

Finally, Trump said this less two months ago:

President Trump said the United States will never become a socialist country in his 2019 State of the Union address.

Trump: "America Will Never Be A Socialist Country"; "We Were Born Free And We Will Stay Free"
Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date February 5, 2019

Bottom line: President Trump can keep his promise by NEVER saying HEALTHCARE; he should ALWAYS say “SOCIALIZED MEDICINE.” The president using the accurate term from his bully pulpit will at least tell voters in 2020 that Democrats are campaigning on socialized medicine.

Tucker Carlson? Really?
Bottom line: President Trump can keep his promise by NEVER saying HEALTHCARE; he should ALWAYS say “SOCIALIZED MEDICINE.” The president using the accurate term from his bully pulpit will at least tell voters in 2020 that Democrats are campaigning on socialized medicine.
Old progressives, simmering and stewing for the decades, and their young converts are working feverishly to squelch Individual freedom, private property, and limited government. They used to be the tenets of our society but now, the generations attached at the hip to their blue light electronic devices, provided by free market capitalism, have decided that socialism suits them better. Social Democrats, as they call themselves now, have promised so many phony pie in the sky freebies that they cannot resist the urge to fundamentally transform their parents’ America which is now passé.

They want economic justice, a harmonious society with no strife, prosperity for all, a society in which nobody has to work if they don’t want to. Somehow, in this socialist utopia, everyone has a perfect work ethic and is absolutely altruistic and generous to a fault, giving their time, wealth, success, and money to be spread evenly among the non-producers who just want to chill in their parents’ basements and smoke free marijuana provided by the benevolent state.

In this utopia they learned from their teachers in school, there is no misery, no repression, no materialism, no jails, no death of liberty, just kumbaya equality and free drugs. Except those at the top will be in charge and “serving the working people” just like the politicians of today who are serving the electorate, especially the illegal electorate from terrorist countries inimical to us.

One correction: Socialists mouthing their moral worldview defines everything:

If you ask millennials what kind of society they want to inhabit, according to a 2016 Gallup poll, 44% want to live under socialism. They have no idea what socialism is, cannot define it correctly, but they describe themselves as socialists.

“We Are Serving the Working People”
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
March 31, 2019


Listen closely and you will hear Democrats and their media stooges set the nomenclature for their number one campaign issue:

In 2010 American wanted no part of Obamacare. It was so bad Obama & Co-Conspirators had to lie like hell to get it passed. If there is a new conspiracy it is Nutso Nancy and Upchuck Schumer telling you the public fell in love with socialized medicine.

NOTE: In 2010 two-faced Susan Collins cast the vote that Dirty Harry Reid needed to move the ACA forward. She is once again coming out in favor of socialized medicine.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said she’s “surprised” and “appalled” by the Trump administration’s decision to argue in court that the Affordable Care Act should be thrown out, according to Axios.

Collins told Axios she intended to write to Attorney General William Barr about the Department of Justice’s decision.

Collins 'surprised' and 'appalled' by Trump health care move
By Zack Budryk
03/27/19 01:18 PM EDT

Donald Trump campaigned and won on repealing the ACA. For six years establishment Republicans promised they would repeal Obamacare if voters gave them the majority in both chambers. That was a bigger lie than Democrats told.

Chief Justice John Roberts could have stopped socialized medicine in its tracks. Instead of holding back the tide of creeping Socialism he lied through his teeth and singlehandedly shoved socialized medicine down the public’s throat. When this case gets to the Supreme Court the split will still be four-against-four with Roberts making the final decision.

Trump Administration Says Entire Affordable Care Act Should Be Repealed
March 26, 201912:43 PM ET

Finally, Trump said this less two months ago:

President Trump said the United States will never become a socialist country in his 2019 State of the Union address.

Trump: "America Will Never Be A Socialist Country"; "We Were Born Free And We Will Stay Free"
Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date February 5, 2019

Bottom line: President Trump can keep his promise by NEVER saying HEALTHCARE; he should ALWAYS say “SOCIALIZED MEDICINE.” The president using the accurate term from his bully pulpit will at least tell voters in 2020 that Democrats are campaigning on socialized medicine.

It's the majority of We the People,want Medicare For All
It's the majority of We the People,want Medicare For All

To Ann Frank: Parasites are not now, and never were, anywhere near a majority.

In 2010 American wanted no part of Obamacare. It was so bad Obama & Co-Conspirators had to lie like hell to get it passed. If there is a new conspiracy it is Nutso Nancy and Upchuck Schumer telling you the public fell in love with socialized medicine.
Americans are tired of living in fear that an accident or an illness can ruin their lives. A serious illness can bankrupt a rich person. It can result in poor people getting no care or subquality care. The last election seemed to indicate that the people are sick of being taken advantage of by the medical industry. Maybe Americans are ready for a change. There is no reason to keep a system that allows millions to go with no care and poor people unable to afford copays.
The American system has nothing to recommend it. It is by far the most expensive, it does not cover many millions and provides poor results. It would be great to live without the fear of medical problems destroying your life.
In 2010 Americans wanted no part of Obamacare. It was so bad Obama & Co-Conspirators had to lie like hell to get it passed. If there is a new conspiracy it is Nutso Nancy and Upchuck Schumer telling you the public fell in love with socialized medicine.


Most rank & file Democrats, and 99 percent of Republicans, who have to pay for it still want no part of socialized medicine or Socialism/Communism. Bernie must be counting on the Democrat Party’s largest constituency to elect him—— television’s mouths:

Bernie Sanders thinks he’s going to win the presidency
Edward-Isaac Dovere
Posted at 9:20 pm on April 22, 2019
Single payer-private delivery isn't socialized medicine. The VA hospital system is socialized medicine.

Some Americans are extremely stupid.

There is no such thing as "private" single payer you poor ignorant asshole. YOU, are extremely stupid.
Single payer-private delivery isn't socialized medicine. The VA hospital system is socialized medicine.

Some Americans are extremely stupid.

Come on, he's employing Tucker Carlson as his source, you think he is going to understand anything you explain?
Actually universal healthcare doesn't necessarily mean socialist medicine.

REALLY???!!! I find that to be an extremely stupid and laughable assertion. How does it NOT mean Government controlled socialism?

The other 32 developed nations have universal healthcare and many of them have the majority or all of healthcare insurance publicly funded through taxes rather than insurance premiums. But many of them either have a lot of private hospitals or mostly private hospitals. They do have public hospitals but there are still a lot of private healthcare options. These countries also tend to allow private insurance, and more some of them private insurance is suggested because public insurance only covers the basics.

ALL of those countries have shitty delivery systems and long wait times for critical care; why do you think that is?

The notion that they are cheaper when ALL of these nations have confiscatory level of taxation is laughable and stupid.

NONE of those nations are innovative in their treatment and delivery systems as a result of the massive Government choke hold on their systems.

What I find mind numbing are the low IQ leftist numbskulls who demand the same, shitty systems just because others have them.
Come on, he's employing Tucker Carlson as his source,

And you are employing what? A whiny tirade about a source. How pathetic and stupid are you? That was rhetorical; the stench of your ignorance and stupidity is palpable.

you think he is going to understand anything you explain?

We know you can't understand anything that is explained to you. Even after beating it into that thick, empty neanderthal skull a thousand times. You will still erupt like a moron.