Dems cave....Again


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Pathetic. Caving on Iraq, in exchange for 11 billion dollars on drought relief and subprime mortgage legislation.

To recap: eleven billion for domestic priorities, in exchange for hundreds of billions more flushed down the crapper in iraq. Hundreds of billion more for a failed war; for hundreds or thousands more dead, dismembered, or brain damaged american soliders; hundreds of billions more to contribute to the slaughter of thousands of more iraqis (Bush fans: were giving our money and weapons to sunni militia groups and warlords); hundreds of billions more to engage in an immoral and failed occupation


Hill Close To Deal on War Funds

Democrats Would Drop Iraq Timeline

By Jonathan Weisman and Paul Kane
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, December 8, 2007; Page A01

House Democratic leaders could complete work as soon as Monday on a half-trillion-dollar spending package that will include billions of dollars for the war effort in Iraq without the timelines for the withdrawal of combat forces that President Bush has refused to accept, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) said yesterday.

In a complicated deal over the war funds, Democrats will include about $11 billion more in domestic spending than Bush has requested, emergency drought relief for the Southeast and legislation to address the subprime mortgage crisis, Hoyer told a meeting of the Washington Post editorial board.

If the bargain were to become law, it would be the third time since Democrats took control of Congress that they would have failed to force Bush to change course in Iraq and continued to fund a war that they have repeatedly vowed to end. But it would also be the clearest instance yet of the president bowing to a Democratic demand for more money for domestic priorities, an increase that he had promised to reject
Who didn't know the democrats were going to cave?

But, the larger problem is that no matter what they do or do not do, most Americans are going to vote for them even as disgusting and pathetic as they are .. and the cowards in congress know that.

Welcome to democracy
BAC: I knew the pathetic Dems would cave.

Damo, cute is not a word I would associate with this clusterf*ck. Don't take it personally; I don't think you mean this is a joke. Hundreds of billions of our tax dollars continuing to fund an immoral and unneccessary occuption. My tax dollars paying to fund and bribe sunni warlords and militias. The end result being, a lot of dead iraqi women, men, and children, and a lot of dead and maimed GIs. Pathetic and sad are words I would choose.
I just think it is cute watching you guys get your hopes bashed. I didn't vote for these "cavers".
BAC: I knew the pathetic Dems would cave.

Damo, cute is not a word I would associate with this clusterf*ck. Don't take it personally; I don't think you mean this is a joke. Hundreds of billions of our tax dollars continuing to fund an immoral and unneccessary occuption. My tax dollars paying to fund and bribe sunni warlords and militias. The end result being, a lot of dead iraqi women, men, and children, and a lot of dead and maimed GIs. Pathetic and sad are words I would choose.

I agree with you, but the bigger question is what can be done about Americans being trapped between the cowards of the Democratic Party and blood-thirsty self-serving torture-loving fools of the Republican Party.

Obviously, there is something wrong with our form of government.
I don't think I voted for any of those cavers either Damo.
Nah, you voted for others who would have caved just as readily, you just live in an area where righties win more regularly than those you vote for.

The reality is, your vote for the occasional R at the lowest local levels notwithstanding, you supported these cavers without exception. I can see how it magically cured all our ills.