Dems Continue to Work on Relevant Issues


JPP Modarater

I don't know what to do with myself.

"House Democrats are turning to national security for their first legislation in the new Congress: a bill to screen all cargo containers shipped to the U.S. and enact most remaining recommendations of the 9/11 commission."

There actually working on securing our ports????

Meanwhile repugs try to continue to try to drag us down:

"Though many Republicans were expected to support the measure, some objected to provisions of the bill and the speed with which Democratic leaders planned to whip it through the House, bypassing hearings.....To make it part of a 100-hour show shamefully trivializes an issue of life or death," said Rep. Peter King, R-New York, top Republican on the Homeland Security Committee"

Yeah, ummm, okay, that makes senses Petey. Maybe we have hearings on steroid use again.

I'm glad to see this happen. They should start bringing troops home and redirecting the wasted Iraq funds into this initiative.
Prediction for this year:

Despite the fact that Iraq has been spiraling downward and out of control for the last 4 years under his administratin, and a republican dominated congress, he'll begin to blame the failures on the democrats. I think that will be a big part of his big gasp for the remainder of the year.
I have already noticed the Republican mindset of handing off the Iraq problem they created to the Demoncrats. It has been discussed on a few threads here.
bush is going to tread water in iraq for the next two years, so he can hand his mess off to the next president.

In short, Bush's strategy is to not get blamed for "losing" the iraq war.
"Though many Republicans were expected to support the measure, some objected to provisions of the bill and the speed with which Democratic leaders planned to whip it through the House"

LOL - How many years did the republican congress have, to adopt the 9/11 commission recomendations?
"Though many Republicans were expected to support the measure, some objected to provisions of the bill and the speed with which Democratic leaders planned to whip it through the House"

LOL - How many years did the republican congress have, to adopt the 9/11 commission recomendations?

Exactly! That's the punchline here. They are now criticizing the dems for quickly acting on this when they've had all the time in the world to pass it. They were too focused on stuff like Terri, steroids and g ay marriage, and Kerry's comments about the troops to be focused on this. What a joke. If he were smart he'd keep his trap shut about this. If I recall correctly, the Patriot act was introduced and passed in a very short amount of time, and hardly anyone had time to really read the bill. He's an idiot and he's opening up a can of worms with this.
I don't know if I necessarily agree with this:

"The Massachusetts Democrat introduced legislation to require congressional approval before force levels can be increased, more than a day before the president is expected to propose such an increase."

For Bush specifically its a good idea because he's an idiot and utter failure and completely incapable of making a sound decision, for other presidents that are qualified (I'm assuming at some point we'll elect someone who's fit to run the country) I'm not so sure.

so many relevant issues being put forth. i don't know what to focus on.
Mind you, I'm against troop surges at this stage.

I stand firm in my "Pull of Iraq Now" stance.
I heard they goofed and sent letters to dead soldiers asking them to report for duty. I heard that second hand so I dont' know how accurate it is.
That would not suprise me. they goofed up my discharge, I had my discharge papers when they sent the MP's to collect me. I called the sheriff telling him there would be dead MP's here if something was not done. The judge would not let the MP's take me after reviewing my discharge papers.
That would not suprise me. they goofed up my discharge, I had my discharge papers when they sent the MP's to collect me. I called the sheriff telling him there would be dead MP's here if something was not done. The judge would not let the MP's take me after reviewing my discharge papers.

LOL, are you kidding me????

They actually came to collect you? I thought they just sent you some papers telling you to report. Was this during vietnam when they were bleeding soldiers?
Just before the end of Nam. They sent me papers , I sent them papers, they still had their head up their butts so they sent MP's.
I was not doing so well at that point in time either, had the MP's pushed too hard there would have been someone shot.
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Ahh, so they were desparate. I can see them making house visits at that time.