Dems Cut The Republican A Deal


Junior Member
With Republican electoral prospects dimming by the hour, Congressional Democrats today offered to forego “the embarrassment of counting the votes” from the upcoming national elections, but to let the GOP keep some of its seats in the House and Senate.

“It’s kind of like an out-of-court settlement,” said presumptive House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA. “We’ll let our friends across the aisle avoid the humiliation of a public thrashing by our strong, attractive Democrat candidates, but we’ll demonstrate mercy by conceding a few seats, so that Republicans have at least a token voice in national affairs.”

An unnamed spokesman for the Republican National Committee (RNC) called the Democrat offer “gracious”, and said the two parties were negotiating over when and where Interim House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-IL, will give the concession speech.

Republicans have staggered in recent weeks under a barrage of painful publicity ranging from plunging fuel prices, to record stock market closes, to the Bush administration’s failure to produce inflation despite growing employment, reduced tax rates and soaring tax revenues.

Meanwhile, Democrats ride a wave of public adoration due to the party’s clear, positive vision for protecting the civil rights of foreign terrorists, retreating from Iraq so that rival Muslim sects can work out their differences without American interference, and restoring the Clinton era “spirit of cooperation” with North Korea.

While some critics have suggested that both parties wait until the American people speak at the ballot box before declaring winners and losers, Rep. Pelosi called that kind of thinking “a quaint relic of ancient history, made obsolete by political pollsters and media pundits.”

“After all,” she said, “just because we’re the Democrat party doesn’t mean we have to be slavishly democratic. Some things are better decided by a few smart people behind closed doors.”
I love this part....So true...>>

Republicans have staggered in recent weeks under a barrage of painful publicity ranging from plunging fuel prices, to record stock market closes, to the Bush administration’s failure to produce inflation despite growing employment, reduced tax rates and soaring tax revenues.

Meanwhile, Democrats ride a wave of public adoration due to the party’s clear, positive vision for protecting the civil rights of foreign terrorists, retreating from Iraq so that rival Muslim sects can work out their differences without American interference, and restoring the Clinton era “spirit of cooperation” with North Korea
some place like ....the onion?

it ain't who knows where he got it from?

damo has a rule to post links...toby needs to do such....
so we both agree that it is futile to attempt to teach toby anything using an internet chat site as the medium?
My main man, just has a little Scrappleface!!!! Here's the website for this tripe. In addition to being some kind of right wing parody site, it also proudly boasts Ann Coulter's weekly column. That should keep them coming back. Oh, yeah, and a great little best seller on the nuclear destruction of the world by Iran. Definitely something you just gotta see. What I can't understand is why Damocles wasn't all over toby for a link!!!! Maybe it's only the opposition who are required to post links???

Full Mindless Site Including Horseface Columns
Damo is usually pretty fair on member treatment on here Prakosh. Pehaps he has been away ? Damo is also as a republican feeling the strain of his party falling down as well. I just dunno...
Links???? I was taking a page out the the lib play book.

This is satire and very effective because it is in fact true. The liberal MSM is all coverage of how the Republicans won't be voting this time because of a fag republican.

And all the libs responses on this thread attack me and not one word about the topic.
US I knew you would ask for a link, you who almost never provide one as most libs don't. Look at all the posts, I almost always link, you libs are the ones without links. I did this on purpose to show your duplicity. But you still haven't addressed the topic now how you?
Since I have been here I have not seen one link from you. Generally you don't make anything more than an irrelevant two to three line remark and then run away, like a little girly man. But I still love you toby, you're still my main girly man...
Go back and look at my post then Prakosh. Links included in almost all of them. Why do libs need to slime people? two or three lines is all I need to express my stance when I include the link.