Dems fear Trump is looking at presidential pardons


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Democrats are increasingly expressing worries that President Trump may seek to pardon allies convicted or charged in investigations of his campaign and administration in the wake of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's sentencing.

Worries about Trump pardons have long been bandied about by critics of his administration, but the chatter is on the rise in recent weeks.

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) signaled Thursday that his panel is interested in whether Trump is dangling pardons to witnesses tied to special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, or to the Southern District of New York, which is probing hush money payments made to two women alleging affairs with Trump.

The chatter also comes as questions have been raised over whether former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen was approached by the president's legal team with an offer suggesting the president would grant him a pardon following the FBI's raid last year of his house and office.

"We've seen the president dangle pardons publicly really through much of the course of the investigation," Schiff told The Hill and CNN.

There are enough decent career law enforcement officials who will work tirelessly to prevent Trump from becoming the dictator that he so desire to become.
Hello Signalmankenneth,

Well, according to him, he can pardon HIMSELF!

OPLink: "Asked this week whether he would offer Manafort a pardon, Trump responded that he felt "very badly" for his former campaign chairman but did not answer the question directly.

Trump has publicly said he believes he has the right to do extensive pardons, stating

on Twitter last summer that he even has the "absolute right" to pardon himself.

Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani, also has suggested Trump could issue pardons after the Mueller probe concludes.

"When the whole thing is over, things might get cleaned up with some presidential pardons," Giuliani, a former New York mayor, told the New York Daily News last year."
When he got into office, Trump was invigorated by the pardoning power. He knows what a criminal he is and figured out the accidental win put him in danger. So he started playing with the pardoning power to see the reaction. There was not much, so now he thinks it is his escape route. This mafia donald thinks he is free from the law.