Dems fight historical labels


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On the cusp of an election that could overturn the Republican majority on Capitol Hill, CNN's correspondent Candy Crowley jokingly asked a senior Democratic aide whether he had ordered new business cards to reflect majority status. "Don't underestimate our ability to blow it," he said.

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Broken Goverment hype by the MSM and here they admit it

>>>We didn't interview a single Republican for the documentary
On the cusp of an election that could overturn the Republican majority on Capitol Hill, CNN's correspondent Candy Crowley jokingly asked a senior Democratic aide whether he had ordered new business cards to reflect majority status. "Don't underestimate our ability to blow it," he said.

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Rove has an awesome get-out-the-vote machine. I'm guessing that its worth 2-3% of the vote tally, beyond what the polls show.

I speculate that the Dems will gain 10-12 House seats and 3-4 senate seats. Not enough to be the majority.
Rove has an awesome get-out-the-vote machine. I'm guessing that its worth 2-3% of the vote tally, beyond what the polls show.

I speculate that the Dems will gain 10-12 House seats and 3-4 senate seats. Not enough to be the majority.
That's been my guess... I thought they do stand a chance of gaining the majority in one house, but less so as we get closer to the election. I have seen the machine working.
That's been my guess... I thought they do stand a chance of gaining the majority in one house, but less so as we get closer to the election. I have seen the machine working.

Too bad. If ever we needed divided government, its now.

Yep, the republicans have made a science out of their get out the vote tactics.
I am shocked to see so many libs backing away from all the claims of a massive Dem win. Guess reality does catch up somethimes.