Dems Poised to Roll Back Oil Subsidies


Villified User
Dems Poised to Roll Back Oil Subsidies

Jan 18, 11:43 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Newly empowered House Democrats sought to recoup billions of dollars in lost royalties from offshore drilling as they anticipated approval Thursday of a $15 billion package of fees, taxes and royalties on oil and gas companies. The money would be used to promote renewable fuels.

The House took up the energy bill as the final one of a string of high-priority issues that Speaker Nancy Pelosi vowed to address in the first 100 hours of Democratic control of Congress. She has characterized the energy measures as key to reducing government subsidies for the oil industry.

The bill is largely aimed at recovering an estimated $10 billion that stands to be lost to the government because of an error in deep-water drilling leases for the Gulf of Mexico issued in the late 1990s. Congressional auditors and the Interior Department's inspector general have said the mistake was ignored for six years by the Minerals Management Service, which oversees the leasing program.

As the House began debate on the energy measure, Interior Inspector General Earl Devaney told a Senate hearing Thursday that the minerals bureau showed "a shockingly cavalier management approach" in dealing with the leasing error, although the problem was known within the agency as early as 2000.
Newly empowered House Democrats sought to recoup billions of dollars in lost royalties from offshore drilling as they anticipated approval Thursday of a $15 billion package of fees, taxes and royalties on oil and gas companies.

The money would be used to promote renewable fuels

Wait a minute. Actually paying for something you propose? This is an alien concept. Doesn't our government just borrow money from our grandkids and the Saudis to pay for stuff?

This whole pay as you go thing sounds wierd - yet eeirely, its something we may have done before, in a distant more happy time......
can you say veto.
I read a bunch of what they want to do.
A lot of it sounds similar to prop 87 that went down in flames in liberal Cali.
don' t hold your breath.
I hope they do,
but I think we'll get a dem president smart enough to know how important the energy industy is.
Yep the dems have already shown that they are concerned about energy by routing dollars to the development of alternative energy sources. It was a main part of this bill.
Pro alt energy is good.
Being retardedly anti-oil is bad.
This bill is both, and will therefore be vetoed.
No it is not anti oil, it is about oil paying it's fair share and not making mega profits while getting breaks from us taxpayers.
I personally think gas should go back up to about $3/gal to promote alternative energy better among the lazy shortsighted people in this country.
yeah, that's a socialist or limousine liberal rant.
They signed contracts with the oil companies and want to punish them know that times are good. Not the American way, this will do the opposite of getting us off foriegn oil.
The smart thing would be to tax foreign oil not domestic. DUHH!!!!
Almost all of the private research into renewable fuels is paid for by those horrible evil entities led by the morphed unhuman 'superEVIL'... It's always so much fun to watch this emotionalizing of politics, to the extent that they convince people who actually own stock in the companies to hurt their own retirement future.

I remember somebody on this site who kept wondering how poor republicans could keep voting against their own economic interest... Another emotion appeal with little basis in reality, but I certainly remember it. Many, many people own portions of these companies unknowingly because the "mystery of the 401K" is beyond their ken. This makes it a net negative for them but heck political power is so important that lying to people to convince them to hurt their own future is nothing to these people.
us, you got me on that one.
We renigged on the indian treaties and then killed em all. So I guess killing domestic oil companies and scewing the average joe in gas prices to prove a political point is par for the course. good one