Derp derp derp


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A black man breaks into your home slaps your children and kicks your dog - he runs out - YOU, a white man, run after him rugby tackle him to the ground, put your knee on his neck - after a few minutes he dies. YOU are subjected to the same media hatred as that Floyd, knee on neck cop. - the facts are that he died from drugs he took by his own choice. He would have died anyway because of the drugs. But YOU kept that knee on him fro several minutes even tho your neighbours had come out and you can control him after removing your knee - no threat.
Should YOU be charged with murder and convicted and lose everything??
A black man breaks into your home slaps your children and kicks your dog - he runs out - YOU, a white man, run after him rugby tackle him to the ground, put your knee on his neck - after a few minutes he dies. YOU are subjected to the same media hatred as that Floyd, knee on neck cop. - the facts are that he died from drugs he took by his own choice. He would have died anyway because of the drugs. But YOU kept that knee on him fro several minutes even tho your neighbours had come out and you can control him after removing your knee - no threat.
Should YOU be charged with murder and convicted and lose everything??

A black man breaks into your home slaps your children and kicks your dog - he runs out - YOU, a white man, run after him rugby tackle him to the ground, put your knee on his neck - after a few minutes he dies. YOU are subjected to the same media hatred as that Floyd, knee on neck cop. - the facts are that he died from drugs he took by his own choice. He would have died anyway because of the drugs. But YOU kept that knee on him fro several minutes even tho your neighbours had come out and you can control him after removing your knee - no threat.
Should YOU be charged with murder and convicted and lose everything??

A black man breaks into your home slaps your children and kicks your dog - he runs out - YOU, a white man, run after him rugby tackle him to the ground, put your knee on his neck - after a few minutes he dies. YOU are subjected to the same media hatred as that Floyd, knee on neck cop. - the facts are that he died from drugs he took by his own choice. He would have died anyway because of the drugs. But YOU kept that knee on him fro several minutes even tho your neighbours had come out and you can control him after removing your knee - no threat.
Should YOU be charged with murder and convicted and lose everything??

What if the white guy is deaf? :thinking:
A black man breaks into your home slaps your children and kicks your dog - he runs out - YOU, a white man, run after him rugby tackle him to the ground, put your knee on his neck - after a few minutes he dies. YOU are subjected to the same media hatred as that Floyd, knee on neck cop. - the facts are that he died from drugs he took by his own choice. He would have died anyway because of the drugs. But YOU kept that knee on him fro several minutes even tho your neighbours had come out and you can control him after removing your knee - no threat.
Should YOU be charged with murder and convicted and lose everything??

Charged and convicted are 2 different things. Charged? Yes. Convicted? Only if you can prove the white guys actions caused the black guys death. Unfortunately in America today all that's needed is an accusation. If that cop is acquitted the leftist thugs will take to the streets and burn and loot like they always do when they don't get their way.