Dershowitz has an Epiphany; Locking someone up before they have been convicted is an


In Yo Face!
[h=1]Locking someone up before they have been convicted is an anathema to liberty[/h]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Alan Dershowitz "[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Locking someone up before they have been convicted is an anathema to liberty[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]." [/FONT]

No Fucking Shit Sherlock ...

Each day an estimated 700,000 people sit in jail because they can't afford bail.

Can we expect your Smart Ass to speak for these people as well?

These fucking clowns are making it up as they go along "lock her up" wasn't about putting HRC directly to jail.
[h=1]The biggest dilemma currently facing Trump is whether he should defect to Russia or North Korea. I hear he has his eye on building a beachfront prison camp/golf course in North Korea[/h]
The witness he was tampering with told the judge what Manafort was doing .He committed a crime while he was out on bond. that is what happens to you when you do that. They end bond and jail you. Manafort is a criminal and will go to jail a long time, unless trump pardons him. But why would Trump do that, he barely knows him. He had an apartment in trump tower, but what does that mean. He was made head of Trumps campaign, which is what everyone does, makes an absolute stranger head of his whole operation. Makes perfect sense to Trumpies.
Dershowitz is one of the most insufferable twats in this country. If you want to see an epic smack down, check out Finkelstein verbally eviscerating his book on Democracy Now. Was quite a few years ago, but still makes me laugh.
The witness he was tampering with told the judge what Manafort was doing .He committed a crime while he was out on bond. that is what happens to you when you do that. They end bond and jail you. Manafort is a criminal and will go to jail a long time, unless trump pardons him. But why would Trump do that, he barely knows him. He had an apartment in trump tower, but what does that mean. He was made head of Trumps campaign, which is what everyone does, makes an absolute stranger head of his whole operation. Makes perfect sense to Trumpies.

It is at least arguably an ok stance on their side that since no witnesses have been identified, you shouldn't be revoked for just interacting with people you know in preparing your defense. I am not so sure he should have ever been allowed bond in the first place, so....
Manafort ordered to jail, bail revoked on witness tampering charge


Poor krudzu.