Despicable God-Haters Will Resort to Anything!

I just wanted to post a God-Hater Bashing thread to offset the Christian bashing thread Jarhead started. I see no reason why people who are among the 95% of the world that believe in something greater than self, should have to constantly put up with twerps bashing religion and spirituality. Especially in a country where we're supposed to have freedom of religion, and at least 66% of us are Christians.

Christians are always an easy target, they are bound by a spiritual vow not to confront these attackers, and instead, to offer them comfort and solace. So, we constantly see the God-haters parade around attacking the Christians, it's become all the rage these days. Some of it stems from the deep-seeded European hatred for Jews, which transfers itself to Christianity by association. Some of it is ignorance and intolerance, and some of it is classic psychological denial of acceptance for ones own spirituality. The God-haters all have their particular reasons, but they are united in the same cause.

You may think that 'cause' is to deny the existence of God, but it's not. God-haters know that God exists, that's why they hate Him so much! They believe in the power of God more than the average Joe, because they feel compelled to 'do battle' against the powers of God. In their weakened state of mind, they somehow think that parroting ignorant rhetoric will fool people into denouncing God, but at the same time, they must realize that people who believe in God have no question in their mind that he exists, or that the God-haters believe in Him too. This is why they continue to rant and post God-hating threads over and over again, to put it in the words of the great philosopher, Mick Jager, they can't get no satisfaction. They try and they try and they try and they try... just can't get no... satisfaction! No no no!
I just wanted to post a God-Hater Bashing thread to offset the Christian bashing thread Jarhead started. I see no reason why people who are among the 95% of the world that believe in something greater than self, should have to constantly put up with twerps bashing religion and spirituality. Especially in a country where we're supposed to have freedom of religion, and at least 66% of us are Christians.

Christians are always an easy target, they are bound by a spiritual vow not to confront these attackers, and instead, to offer them comfort and solace. So, we constantly see the God-haters parade around attacking the Christians, it's become all the rage these days. Some of it stems from the deep-seeded European hatred for Jews, which transfers itself to Christianity by association. Some of it is ignorance and intolerance, and some of it is classic psychological denial of acceptance for ones own spirituality. The God-haters all have their particular reasons, but they are united in the same cause.

You may think that 'cause' is to deny the existence of God, but it's not. God-haters know that God exists, that's why they hate Him so much! They believe in the power of God more than the average Joe, because they feel compelled to 'do battle' against the powers of God. In their weakened state of mind, they somehow think that parroting ignorant rhetoric will fool people into denouncing God, but at the same time, they must realize that people who believe in God have no question in their mind that he exists, or that the God-haters believe in Him too. This is why they continue to rant and post God-hating threads over and over again, to put it in the words of the great philosopher, Mick Jager, they can't get no satisfaction. They try and they try and they try and they try... just can't get no... satisfaction! No no no!

Oh shut up, slave labor supporter.

"By supporting it, we will eventually end it"... lmao
People who are deeply suspicious of organized religion are not "God-haters". Nor are atheists. The first group are often deeply spiritual themselves, but have come to see that organized religions are harmful. Atheists do not believe in God, and cannot "hate" something they do not believe exists.

Some of us have given a lot of thought to death, and to the fact that the human mind cannot fathom infinity or eternity. To not exist for eternity can be a frightening thought. Little wonder to us, that so many have grasped onto the belief that they are going to exist forever, in some nebulous form. I like to describe this belief as "Santa Clause for grown-ups".

I'm an agnostic. I believe that insisting that there is no God is probably as illogical as insisting that there is a God. Neither can be proved. Still...common sense along with the fact that you can't prove a negative but you can prove a positive, seems to lean you towards one direction in this dispute. But you never know.
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For the record, I am not a God hater, I am not against religen, and in fact I consider myself very spiritual!
Opposing the evil doings of a Church is not fighting God, in fact I belive it to be supporting God!
This is clearly a satire guys.

obviously. Dixie, for all intents and purposes, is a troll. He'll say in one post that he's a fairly moderate guy, socially tolerant, and "votes for many Democrats", and in another post he'll say that he personally thinks women should be stoned to death for having an abortion.

In short, its impossible to know when he's actually telling the truth.
Another sad little Dixie rant, full of froth and no substance. This isn't satire, its just Dixie's inability to formulate an argument without ranting mindless drivvel.

Atheists don't hate 'god', how would you hate something that doesn't exist. Its as ridiculous as hating unicorns. They don't attack 'god', that would be attacking nothing.

What I despise and attack are the twin manifestations created by belief in deities.

Ignorance - Faith is nothing more than the suspension of the need to think. It is belief despite all arguments or evidence to the contrary.

Intolerance - Religion gives people a sense of moral absolutism and this leads to intolerance and persecution. When one group are so certain of their moral codes, they impose it. This is manifested in the prejudice held against people who operate a different moral code, such as gays.

Dixie rants that atheists attack only Christians, this is bullshit, I know of no atheist that is christo-specific, most address all religions as equally ridiculous.

Dixie then insinuates that this is down to the 'the deep-seeded European hatred for Jews'. The term is 'deep-seated', moron. And the idea that, aside from an ostracised minority Europe, is anti-semitic is unsupported. I might remind him of the bigotry and anti-semitism that his own area is so well known for across the world.
Another sad little Dixie rant, full of froth and no substance. This isn't satire, its just Dixie's inability to formulate an argument without ranting mindless drivvel.

Atheists don't hate 'god', how would you hate something that doesn't exist. Its as ridiculous as hating unicorns. They don't attack 'god', that would be attacking nothing.

What I despise and attack are the twin manifestations created by belief in deities.

Ignorance - Faith is nothing more than the suspension of the need to think. It is belief despite all arguments or evidence to the contrary.

Intolerance - Religion gives people a sense of moral absolutism and this leads to intolerance and persecution. When one group are so certain of their moral codes, they impose it. This is manifested in the prejudice held against people who operate a different moral code, such as gays.

Dixie rants that atheists attack only Christians, this is bullshit, I know of no atheist that is christo-specific, most address all religions as equally ridiculous.

Dixie then insinuates that this is down to the 'the deep-seeded European hatred for Jews'. The term is 'deep-seated', moron. And the idea that, aside from an ostracised minority Europe, is anti-semitic is unsupported. I might remind him of the bigotry and anti-semitism that his own area is so well known for across the world.
He was doing satire on the "Despicable Christian" thread that Jarod started. It's like the Onion.

But heck, the expert on the hilarity of Oscar Wilde shouldn't need an explanation then should he?
Ignorance - Faith is nothing more than the suspension of the need to think. It is belief despite all arguments or evidence to the contrary.

Damn, that sort of describes your views on Intelligent Design! You've suspended your need to think because you have faith in empirical science theory, you belive this despite any argument or evidence to the contrary...even your own!
He was doing satire on the "Despicable Christian" thread that Jarod started.

It shows such a remarkable consistency with his regular posts that this couldn't be described as satire. That is unless most of Dixie's posts are satire.

I can show you virtually the same points that Dixie has made here made in all seriousness on the 'Dixie Challenge' thread.

And besides, satire is usually at least witty....
Damn, that sort of describes your views on Intelligent Design! You've suspended your need to think because you have faith in empirical science theory, you belive this despite any argument or evidence to the contrary...even your own!

Errrm, not quite. I have assessed ID notions, and the analogies it is based on. I haven't dismissed ID out of hand, an argument which seems to be all you have in your armoury whenever I criticise the notion.

If the arguments for ID were in the slightest bit convincing, logical or supported by evidence, it might be a little more plausible.

I'll tell you what. Produce evidence to support the argument of ID....

Produce evidence to support the notion that pattern equates to design.
Produce evidence to support IC, that isn't an attribution of functional evolution.
Produce a syllogism that demonstrates the validity of ID, and produce evidence to support the soundness of your premises.

Please, in your own words....
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