Deutsche Bank hands over tRump records.

Cohen went to jail for covering up Trump's crimes. Trump actually perpetrated them. Cohen described some of Trump's frauds. Now the SDNY is getting that information.
Well, we all know that the "brainwashed" trumpanzees are not intelligent enough to understand financial documents or what they might mean.

A lot of 'white collar' crooks manage to evade prosecution. I'd be more interested in a 'Russian connection'. That would say a lot.
(like, if Trump is 'laundering' Russian money, ex-KGB Putin might have Trump in a compromised position?)
Rightys know Trump is a crook and woman abuser and they do not care. I said it before. It is not Trump that is wrong. It is his voters They are happy that their racism and hate is being expressed on the national stage. The results are so many people being confronted on the streets and facing angry bigots. The arm of the racists, the police have been shown as bigots and abusers. To a man,the rightys take the cops side ,no matter wow abusive they are.When Trump is gone, these people will not be. They are just waiting for another hater to get the power.
Hello Tacomaman,

Deutsche Bank hands over tRump records.



Now, we're getting somewhere.

We all know that the "trump-a-foons" will never believe tRump was/is guilty of any wrongdoing-no matter how much evidence is uncovered-but the rest of the country may find this investigation to be very interesting to say the least.

OP link: "Trump has said the investigations are all politically motivated. Earlier this week, he called Vance’s investigation “a continuation of the witch-hunt”."

And we all know who the witch is.
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Hello Jack,

A lot of 'white collar' crooks manage to evade prosecution. I'd be more interested in a 'Russian connection'. That would say a lot.
(like, if Trump is 'laundering' Russian money, ex-KGB Putin might have Trump in a compromised position?)

All of the above.

Cohen famously said that when Trump goes down it will be on dirty money.
They really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really
double for sure absolutely got him now!


They really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really
double for sure absolutely got him now!



Who is they? This is a civil case of Trump fraud and lying. You hope Trump gets away with it.
Who is they? This is a civil case of Trump fraud and lying. You hope Trump gets away with it.

How long have you been clairvoyant again, fuckface?
What am I thinking right now? Since you claim to know what I think.

Now I'm not clairvoyant, but I'm thinking what you think is bzzzzzzzz..wait for input from media..spout outrage....bzzzzzz
I wonder which lib'rul will be the first to illegally leak them to the press.........meanwhile, two to one odds that they will find nothing illegal......
DT is free on borrowed time.

And Time just keeps on slippin into the future:


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The courts have his crooked ass. Why do you think Trump did not show his taxes? Because he has nothing to hide? Think on occasion. It will not be painful. Trump has a lot to hide and it will soon be known to the SDNY.

How could they have his ... “ass” when he didn’t show them anything ?

Gee .... maybe he’s waiting to make them look stupid when they find nothing illegal.