Diaper Boy to Testify


Will work for Scooby snacks
Ask him about the rumours that he liked to wear huggies diapers during sexual excapades!

Tough Choice for Vitter in Escort Case

By MATT APUZZO – 2 days ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — When questioned about his links to a Washington escort service, Sen. David Vitter has chosen his words carefully. He apologized for a "very serious sin in my past," but said the details were best left between God and his family.

Now, the woman accused of running a high-end prostitution ring wants the Louisiana Republican to dish the salacious details in court.

A lawyer for indicted escort Deborah Palfrey has subpoenaed the first-term senator to testify at a hearing this month. Attorney Montgomery Blair Sibley said he'll ask Vitter pointedly, "As a client, did you engage in illegal sex acts?"

In a city where the preferred method of apologizing is a prepared statement and where follow-up questions are often ducked, Sibley is promising to force some answers. Unlike Vitter's news conference on the matter, at which he took no questions, the witness box can be an unscripted, on-the-record, under-oath political nightmare.

That's why Sibley expects Vitter to fight the subpoena.


for entertainment value only. I really don't want to know about his diaper fetsih. :eek:
I don't see anythng about daipers anywhere in the article.

unfortunately I didn't have to see anything in teh article. My imagination went running off and now I have an ungodly image in my head :hide:
Me either.............

I don't see anythng about daipers anywhere in the article.

Just more cippie fantasies...I think he is looking for a great deal on depends...
he sure has a fetish with sexually active cons...maybe he is bored with the dems versions or something!:dunno: