Diarrhea Of The Mouth Defending Slime

Gowdy suggested House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could potentially remove Schiff as chairman of the committee. He also said the CIA and other intelligence community agencies could withhold intelligence from Schiff.

“The next thing that’s going to happen is the … different intelligence entities are going to say, ‘You know what, Chairman Schiff, if you don’t believe the information we provide to you … if you have the president of the United States, not just indicted but in jail and you continue to leak like a screen door on a submarine, we’re going to quit giving you information,'” said Gowdy.


There is not a snowball’s chance in hell that Nutso will replace a screen door she has been grooming. More importantly, leaving Schiff in place shows the kind of successor she wants for a legacy:

L.A. Times: Nancy Pelosi Has Been ‘Grooming’ Adam Schiff as Possible Successor
19 Oct 2018


In truth, Nutso’s legacy is already torn and ragged. Speaker of the House Schiff can only make it worse.
As slimy as Schiff is Nutso Nancy has no choice but to defend him:

Best cartoon of the slimy one:


To Dark Soul: You nailed it. The old hag’s face is catching up with her evil à la Dorian Grey.

She needs to stay home and work on some scrap books.

What the fuck is wrong with these dinosaurs that they can't enjoy retirement?
Answer: because they love power and control so fucking much that they don't care if their mental faculties are going to shit.​
Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was awarded the recipient of the 2019 Profile in Courage Award by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation. The award is given to those who purportedly show “political courage” over a lifetime, or for a particularly notable incident.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi Wins This Year’s ‘Profile in Courage’ Award
7 Apr 2019


Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reported that Nutso’s award statuette was:


NOTE: A few years Nutso proudly accepted the Margaret Sanger award. I suspect the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation award is minor compared to taking pride in slaughtering infants in the millions.

I suppose every Democrat pervert and traitor is all aglow because Nutso’s “accomplishments” are getting the recognition they deserve among freakazoids in Cuckooland.

As slimy as Schiff is Nutso Nancy has no choice but to defend him:

Believe it or not Speaker Pelosi sees defending slime as one of her accomplishments.

One of Nutso’s early accomplishments included installing Mikhail Gorbachev—— a Communist butcher —— and his Green Peace in San Francisco’s Presidio.

Typhoid Nancy went on to bigger and better things like her part in American children dying from the diseases her beloved illegal aliens bring in. Not satisfied with killing American children piecemeal she is hellbent on opening the borders to adult murderers forever.

My guess is that Nutso considers shoving the Affordable Care Act down the public’s throat her greatest achievement. Never mind that the ACA is being dismantled and may soon be declared unconstitutional.
Typhoid Nancy went on to bigger and better things like her part in American children dying from the diseases her beloved illegal aliens bring in. Not satisfied with killing American children piecemeal she is hellbent on opening the borders to adult murderers forever.

Diarrhea mouth topped herself on this one:

1. Diarrhea mouth does not define “Who we are as a people.” She defines what Democrat scum like her want every American to believe.

2. Diarrhea mouth is the last person on earth who knows what “. . . bonding between parents and responding mother and child is.” Someday diarrhea mouth might explain how millions of children slaughtered in the womb bonded with their parents.

3. Diarrhea mouth really believes that no borders unites the American. In truth, the only people mass migrations unite is Democrat scum and the illegal aliens Pelosi does not want living in her neighborhood.
She looks like she's had several strokes.

To Legion: She has been having bouts of brain freeze recently. Maybe they were mini-strokes!

Think DEMOCRATS will try to conceal her death for as long as possible?

To Legion:
I would not put anything past Democrats. I can see them propping her up in the speakers chair with her dead eyes wide open. Who the hell would know the difference?

Has anyone seen Ruth lately?

To Legion: She is out of sight getting organ transplants. Hell, she might live forever:

People Are Offering To Donate Their Organs To Ruth Bader Ginsberg To Keep Her Alive
By Emily Zanotti
July 30, 2018

1. Diarrhea mouth does not define “Who we are as a people.” She defines what Democrat scum like her want every American to believe.

Diarrhea mouth took her message to the faithful in ABC’s sewer:

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi didn't hold back during an interview with 60 Minutes regarding her opinions on the capabilities of President Donald Trump.

Pelosi Says Trump Knows He Shouldn't Be President
Donica Phifer
10 hrs ago


Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reported that whenever Pelosi was off-camera she gargled with her favorite mouthwash:


Diarrhea mouth took a dump on ‘Our Republic’ —— again:

“The legislative branch has a responsibility of oversight of our democracy and we will exercise that," she said.

Pelosi Dodges on Impeachment: Congress Will ‘Defend the Constitution’
Written by MagaFirstNews on April 19, 2019


Somebody should ask turd-mouth to explain how democracy defends the Constitution in a constitutional republic?
Speaking of diarrhea of the mouth, what is drumpf doing right now?

Silly question - he's fucking playing golf again. Wouldn't it be nice if this 'godly' and 'biblical' orange cumstain attended Easter church services instead?