APP - Did Alabama backfire on the democrat party?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Of course they are happy to have won the seat in Alabama, but I don't think any of them really thought they would and they know that it is going to be as short lived as Scott Brown in Massachusetts
. In fact, I think they were hoping for a Roy Moore win so they could reinvigorate the War on Women narrative heading into 2018. Now they don't have that option.

But, I think it backfired in another way. I truly believe that there was never any intention of Al Franken to resign. I think his announcement at the time when he said "in the coming weeks" was a ploy and the strategy was going to be if Moore wins, then Franken would use that as justification for not resigning and the democrat party would still try to claim the high ground.

But, when Roy Moore lost that all backfired. On what basis could Franken rescind his resignation after Roy Moore lost without looking bad?
the dems won Alabama, lost Minnesota and Michigan......they lost on the tax bill, they lost on the spending bill........but every cloud has a silver lining.......did I mention they lost on the tax bill and they lost on the spending bill.
Franken could rescind his resignation simply by being hypocritical. The Left doesn't care about its own being hypocritical.
Franken could rescind his resignation simply by being hypocritical. The Left doesn't care about its own being hypocritical.

You are correct that the left doesn't care about being hypocritical. In fact, I don't think they really cared about Franken's actions. I believe he was a useful foil to attack Republicans when they thought Roy Moore would win. I don't think they expected Jones to win.
The win in Alabama was a great morale-booster for DEMOCRATS, as evidenced by their gloating here on JPP and elsewhere.

Possibly they celebrated prematurely, since I suspect that many of them thought Jones would help defeat Trump's tax reform bill.

It didn't work out that way, but I doubt that any DEMOCRAT would call Jone's win a "loss" for their party.

I believe they feel encouraged by their successful smear of Moore and are looking forward eagerly to more wins in the midterms.