Did China intentionally release SARS-COV2?


ButterMilk Man
I think not, because releasing it in Wuhan where it was made would be stupid, and because we know that they got caught with thin stocks of PPE. China makes a great deal of it but for several months was both keeping all they made for themselves in spite of contracts, and was buying all they could get their hands on around the world. Had they done this on purpose they would have been ready.

I guess they hate Wuhan!?

Now that we know that SARS-COV2 was almost certainly part of the weapons program and now that the West has been decimated by this pandemic and China has gained a lot of wealth and power because of the pandemic I am hearing the theory that this was all intentional. I dont know why they would pick to do it in Wuhan, but then again I am not selling this theory. However, China would almost certainly sacrifice some of its citizens for the glory of the Empire....they are some very brutal fucks.

EDIT: A lot of international travel goes through WUHAN, it spread around the globe very quickly...that would be a reason.
Covid Viruses are not Bioweapon grade viruses.

Someone working in the Wuhan lab got infected with it, or it spread to humans thru the Wuhan animal market!

Pick one! They both do matter! It is difficult to investigate now- and we may never know the origin!

China should immediately close the Wuhan animal markets forever by forbidding them, and The Wuhan Labs are going to have to investigate their safety standards and improve them.

End of story!
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